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嘿,一起吧,我有猎枪。Hey. I got shotgun.

可能导致奉子成婚。It might lead to a shotgun wedding.

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可乔舒亚用枪把他拒之门外。But Joshua held him off with a shotgun.

我紧紧地握住我的滑膛枪,以此表示一种精神上的支持。I held on to my shotgun as moral support.

这两个人是真正的奉子成婚。It's a real shotgun wedding for these two.

听说他们是奉子成婚。I’ve heard that they had a shotgun wedding.

我拿起猎枪,扣动了扳机。I raised the shotgun and pulled the trigger.

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上周,亨利和珍妮特很不情愿的把婚结了。Henry and Janet had a shotgun wedding last week.

他们下周要结婚了,是奉子成婚。They are going to have shotgun marriage next week.

我就想拿起猎枪,把所有子弹都射在它身上。I want to grab a shotgun and go all Cheney on them.

看上去这两个人好像是奉子成婚。It looks like it's a shotgun marriage for those two.

一旦没有人能注视下来一个散弹猎枪,领袖说。The Chief said once no one can stare down a shotgun.

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弹药很难获得,特别是双管猎枪。It is hard to get ammunition, even the right shotgun.

今天早上我的朋友宣布她要奉子成婚。My friend announced her shotgun wedding this morning.

他抄起一杆猎枪去看个究竟。He took a pump-action shotgun and went to investigate.

最意想不到的武器是双筒猎枪。The most surprising weapon was the double-barrel shotgun.

“不要把网铺得太开,”福斯特建议。"Don't resort to the shotgun approach, " Forster advises.

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你需要一辆速度很快的车,还需要范·迪塞尔的保架护航。You need a fast car and you need Vin Diesel ridin' shotgun.

至于那把枪,如果我非法狩猎,我应该带来复枪或猎枪。And that gun, if I was poaching I'd have a rifle or shotgun.

他们中的一个握着把猎枪对准这个男人的脸。One of them had a sawed-off shotgun right in the man's face.