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场是散射状的。The field is radial.

径向渐变,黑色到深灰色。Use Radial for the Gradient Type.

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不能使用放射状编法…A radial assembly can not be used.

修改网格线的径向间距。Modify spacing along radial lines.

修改径向栅格线的数目。Modify number of the radial grid lines.

是的,那是一个放射状的线条视标。Yes, that is a radial line test-object.

周围的硫化银呈皮壳状、放射状。Crust or radial shape of silver sulphide.

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很多的茎和根都是辐射对称的。Many stems and roots show radial symmetry.

很多的茎和根都是辐射对称的。Many stems and toots show radial symmetry.

径向速度分布比较复杂。The radial velocity distribution is complicated.

介绍SUV型无内胎子午线轮胎的设计。A design of SUV tubeless radial tire is introduced.

调心滚球轴承可以承受径向负荷及二个方向的轴向负荷。Can bear radial load and two direction of axial load.

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辐射式方程的解,氢原子波函数,氢光谱。Radial Solutions, Hydrogen Wave Functions, H Spectrum.

对比血氧计脉率与病人桡动脉搏动。Compare oximeter pulse rate with client's radial pulse.

计算并画出单、双层壳各阶振动模态的振型。The radial vibration mode shapes of various orders are.

对于径向节点,应该有1个。And in terms of radial nodes, we expect to see one node.

但是,形状变得不均匀在径向方向。But the shape became nonuniform in the radial direction.

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必要时还需采用磁粉、射线方法进行复验。If need, repeat examination by magnetic powder and radial.

得到自由和浸没冲击射流恢复系数的径向分布。Radial distribution of the recovery factor was determined.

综合体尽端是一个庭院,与放射性布局的研讨室毗邻。The complex ends in a court adjoining the radial workshop.