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我只是开始。I just began.

一切就这样开始了。And so it began.

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我马上就开始了。I began at once.

我开始寻找。I began looking.

他便开始演奏起来。He began to play.

我们交谈起来。We began to talk.

阿兰开始跑了起来。Alan began to run.

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他开始呕吐。He began to vomit.

我开始听起新闻来。I began to listen.

我们开始争论。We began to argue.

枪战开始了。The gunfight began.

邦尼开始哭了起来。Bonnie began to cry.

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他们开始笑起来了。They began to laugh.

他开始了律师的生涯。He began as a lawyer.

因此,打压开始了。So the squeeze began.

故事就这样开始了。Thus the thing began.

瑟曦开始攀爬。Cersei began to climb.

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我开始感到头晕目眩。I began to feel dizzy.

她开始抱怨了。She began to complain.

伤口开始结痂了。The cut began to scab.