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贫穷是另一个障碍。Poverty is another hurdle.

版权是一个重大障碍。Copyright is the big hurdle.

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但是更大的障碍是态度。But the bigger hurdle was attitude.

我倒要看看你能不能跳过那高栏。I defy you to jump that high hurdle.

第二个困难则是在企业之外。The second hurdle is outside thecompany.

他的马在跨跃最后一个跳栏时跌倒了。His horse fell as it jumped the last hurdle.

另一个我们已经知道的障碍是安全性。Another hurdle that we have seen is security.

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嗨,露西,你昨天看刘翔的跨栏比赛了吗?Hi, Lucy. Did you see Liuxiang's hurdle race?

但是捍卫信仰面临着一道险峻的屏障。But this defense of faith faces a steep hurdle.

然而超级计算机的最大障碍是能源。The bigget hurdle to uper-upercomputing i energy.

另一个障碍是研究过程效能低下。Another hurdle is the inefficiency of the process.

你得克服困难到达伦敦把那份情报取回来。You have to hurdle to London and get the intelligence back.

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但这个,只要相对简单的技术就能克服。But that's a relatively simple technical hurdle to overcome.

一个恰当的例子是世界著名的跨栏赛跑明星刘翔。A case in point is the world famous star hurdle r, Liu Xiang.

现在他们已经跨越这个障碍,发现其实我们没有那么差。Now they have crossed the hurdle and finding it’s not so bad.

栅栏技术是食品保藏的根本所在。Hurdle technology is the essential events of food preservation.

但是,0.9950是通往平价道路上难以逾越的障碍。However, the 0.9950 level is proving a difficult hurdle to parity.

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缺少这种证明文件是经济发展的重大障碍。Lack of this kind of documentation is a significant economic hurdle.

低视力是阻止发展中国家前进的问题之一。Poor vision is a major hurdle to getting ahead in the developing world.

她通过在自家农场里跳跨干草捆学会了跨栏。She learnt to hurdle by leaping over bales of hay on her family's farm.