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那个管理人员试图帮忙。The caseworker tried to help.

我现在明白了社会工作者是从事什么工作的了。I've now understood what a caseworker is doing.

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我先是作为一名自愿者,然后是作为一名社会工作者留下的。I stayed, first as a volunteer then as a caseworker.

作为一名福利救济对象,我必须在社会工作者面前卑躬屈膝。As a welfare client I'm expected to bow before the caseworker.

那个管理人员陪我走进日间活动室去看望麦罗斯叔叔。The caseworker escorted me into the day room to meet Uncle Melrose.

如果一个住户还没有工作,社会工作者会试着帮他去找工作。If a resident does not have a job, a caseworker tries to help him get one.

或者,他们告诉社会工作者房东提高了一百美元房租。Or, they tell the caseworker that the landlord raised the rent by a hundred dollars.

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我与父母亲赶到时,那个管理人员以及其他帮助照顾叔叔的专业人员都已等候在那儿。When Mum, Dad and I arrived the caseworker was already there, as were the other professionals who worked with my uncle.

工作人员只会考虑已经提供适当证明的申请。A caseworker considering your application will only concur with your score where appropriate evidence has been supplied.

我能做的只有请特伦特·洛特对她不要那么严厉,并主动请缨做希拉里在韦斯切斯特县的办案员。About all I could do was ask Trent Lott not to be too hard on her and offer to be Hillary’s caseworker for Westchester County.

她的母亲被指控犯有谋杀罪,上个月,一名福利机构的工作人员和一名监管人员也因过失谋杀而受到起诉。Her mother stands accused of murder, and a caseworker and a supervisor were charged last month with criminally negligent homicide.

自碾杀视频曝光后,人道对待动物协会社会工作者陈马吉说他们已经收到数以吨计的投诉信。Maggie Chen, a cruelty caseworker for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, said they had received "tons of complaints" since the crush video came to light.