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我考上了哈佛“I made it."

这是我做的I made this.

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他爱说笑话。He made a joke.

帕特做个鬼脸。Pat made a face.

我使她笑逐颜开。I made her laugh.

它使我感到害怕。It made me scared.

看起来像廉价品。Look cheaply made.

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那是由S所做的吗?Was it made by S ?

他让我做这件事。He made m. e do it.

我做了别的安排。I made other plans.

它还做出了预测。It made prediction.

它是槭木做的。It's made of maple.

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斯蒂芬鞠了一个躬。Stephen made a bow.

咖啡煮好了。The coffee is made.

这让我不由微笑。This made me smile.

今天下地干活要用铁耙了。A rake made of iron.

那是由谁做成的呢?By whom was it made?

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它是由布做的。It is made of cloth.

它是由稻草造的。It is made of straw.

感谢上帝,我办到了。Thank god,I made it.