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KLM航空公司有一架MD-82飞机星期日上午起飞。KLM has got an MD-82 leaving Sunday morning.

法国航空公司和荷兰航空公司在2004年合并了。Air France and KLM led the way, merging in 2004.

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“反应非常好,”荷航说。“We've had an enormously good reaction,” KLM said.

艾凡打了一通电话到荷航。一位地勤人员接听。Evan places a call to KLM. An agent answers the call.

你看,我们的飞机落在1区的B岛,荷航的航班也在同一区域。Our plane will land at PIER B area 1. KLM also use that area.

您看,我们的飞机落在1区的B岛,法航的航班也在同一区域。Look at this, our plane will land at PIER B area 1. KLM also will use that area.

在荷兰航空你会得到一个20公斤的限额,如果你的自行车在这个限额以下,那么它的托运将是免费的。With KLM you get a 20kg allowance, and if a bike is under this it is carried free.

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在欧洲,荷兰皇家航空维修公司的支付方式逐步实现更高级别的标准化和自动化。Back in Europe, payment processes at KLM E&M have become highly standardized and automated.

荷兰皇家航空公司称,一名乘客因飞行过程中“行为不端”而被移交警方。KLM said a passenger had been handed over to authorities due to "his misbehaviour" on-board.

荷航主要的飞行员工会对这一倡议表示支持,主要原因在于它是自愿参与的。The main KLM pilots' union said it supported the initiative, principally because it was voluntary.

小袁,我想知道我在阿姆斯特丹机场怎么转机,我要在那转荷航的航班去圣保罗。Xiaoyuan , I an going to continue my flight to St . Paol with a flight of KLM . Could you tell me how to do that ?

在荷兰皇家航空维修公司,采购业务已经成为更为综合性运营的行为,替代咨询服务。Purchasing has become more of an integrated business activity instead of an advisory service at KLM Engineering & Maintenance.

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在情人节带您的情人外游浪漫庆祝,荷航即送您GODIVA巧克力一盒!Treat your loved one for a trip to Bangkok as your Valentine's Day celebration and KLM will give you a box of GODIVA chocolate!

在西班牙加那利舞群岛的特纳利夫岛上,分别由荷兰航空和泛美航空公司运营的两架波音747飞机在浓雾中的跑道上相撞,死亡583人。Two Boeing 747s, operated by KLM and Pan Am, collide on a foggy runway at Tenerife, in Spain's Canary Islands killing 583 people.

荷兰皇家航空维修公司对此采取了进一步措施,使用6西格马模式来管理详细技术规范,对各个供应链元素提出要求。KLM E&M takes this one step further, using Six Sigma tools to focus the specification, the demand and the various supply chain elements.

抠门儿的荷兰航空公司不允许我带必要的足够多的行李,或者说,至少他们理论上对此有着非常苛刻的限制。The stingy KLM didn't allow me to bring ideally enough amount of luggage, well, at least literally they have stern regulations about that.

与法航与荷航的兼并相比,他们拥有更少的共同的持久航线,所以航线合并的空间更小。And they have fewer long-haul flights in common than Air France and KLM did when they merged, so there is less scope for combining flights.

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荷兰皇家航空维修公司重申,客舱改装的提速要求厂家支援MRO。KLM E&M's Veltman highlighted the increasing speed of change in cabin modifications, which require vendors to support MROs with business in this area.

噢,我明白了,由于南航、荷航、意航都是天合联盟成员,所以全航程都可以累计里程。I see. Since China Southern Airlines, Alitalia and KLM are all SkyTeam members, you can earn the miles when you fly with any of the members of SkyTeam.

荷航总经理卡米尔?厄尔林斯在声明中称,使用这种新型生物燃料时,不需要改造飞机发动机。KLM managing director Camiel Eurlings said in a statement the airline does not have to make any changes to its aircraft engines to use the new biofuel.