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如此教唆残杀,直到气喘咻咻。And thus for wider carnage taught to pant.

这个战场曾尸横遍地。The battlefield was a scene of great carnage.

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战场完全是一片大屠杀的惨象。The battlefield was a scene of utter carnage.

历史叙述把大屠杀简缩成了冷冰冰的数字。History reduces the carnage to impersonal numbers.

想象一下它们一旦逃出铁笼后会出现的残杀景象!Imagine the carnage if they ever escaped their cages.

这片坠机区域可能造成“很多大屠杀”,他补充道。The crash area contained "a lot of carnage", he added.

开鲁可站在城门上观察着脚下的战场。Kyruk stood atop the gate and surveyed the carnage below.

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昔时的惨案和丈夫有联系关系吗?In those days the carnage and her husband have associated?

如果人们想制止这场大屠杀就必须向韩国学习。Others need to learn from it if they are to stop the carnage.

数百万名印度教徒和穆斯林在分区以后的大屠杀里死亡。Millions of Hindus and Muslims died in the ensuing carnage of partition.

但是,如果这种大屠杀在未来两年内得以持续的话,我们将不再会拥有一头犀牛了。But if the carnage continues over the next two years we'll have nothing left.

塔利班一发言人称,喀布尔的残杀行动只是开始。A spokesman for the movement said the carnage in Kabul was just the beginning.

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我们很少讨论大屠杀,那是因为我们不敢刺穿安全的假象。We seldom discuss the carnage because we don't dare puncture the illusion of safety.

恐怖堡用了40名枪兵才分开混战的双方结束了这场屠杀。It took two score Dreadfort spearmen to part the combatants and put an end to the carnage.

“这是在随处路人面前的大屠杀”,Troyer描述咖啡厅前门脸说。"It's carnage out front everywhere, " Troyer said, describing the front of the coffee shop.

那里已经是一片废墟,我永远记得在那里见到的大屠杀的场面。The port had been utterly destroyed, and I will always remember the carnage that I saw there.

布适说,他和马利基均同意寻求各种方法制止分裂伊拉克的教派屠杀。Bush said he and Maliki agreed to seek ways to stem sectarian carnage threatening to split Iraq.

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伊拉克的民族主义者起义已经失败,但是基地组织依旧几乎每个月都进行暴力屠杀。Iraq’s nationalist insurgency has faded, but al-Qaeda is still wreaking carnage every month or so.

再度原地撑起伊崔格的重量,提里奥转身看了接连发生的屠杀最后一眼。Hefting Eitrigg's deadweight up once more, Tirion turned to take a last look at the ensuing carnage.

当他们面对下一个敌人,凯巴布部落前,他们带领对方的使者观摩了一番他们制造的屠场。When they confronted the next tribe, the Kaibabs, they brought an emissary back to view the carnage.