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很好,大体上是对的Good, in principle.

但权利大于原则。But power trumps principle.

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OPC是一个基本的原则。OPC is a generic principle.

遵循禅体的原则。Follow a Zen-Body principle.

他是节操高尚的人。He is a man of high principle.

过期权利丧失原则。Principle of outdated be losed.

你在违反我们的原则。You are traducing our principle.

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这个问题上不了纲。That's not a matter of principle.

一个基本原则是重构。The basic principle is reframing.

其理自明。The principle involved is obvious.

将相同的原理用于水中。Use the same principle with water.

借贷记帐法原理。Debit-credit bookkeeping principle.

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这就是封装的基本原理。It’s the principle of encapsulation.

第二部分——政治犯罪不引渡原则的确立。Part III-The nature of the principle.

所以这是不准确原理。So this is the Uncertainty Principle.

这是原则的缺陷。This is the principle of fallibility.

小麦是吕梁市的主要粮食作物之一。Wheat is a principle crop in Luliang.

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玻意耳定律是一项科学原理。Boyle's law is a scientific principle.

我跳入测不准原理。I leap into the uncertainty principle.

这与弹射器是一个道理。It's the same principle as a catapult.