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一个房顶工人正在修理漏水的屋顶排水沟。A roofer is repairing the leaking valley.

屋面防水工在用铁皮修补屋顶。The roofer is patching the roof with metal.

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圣保罗有史以来有人请到过令他满意的盖屋顶的人吗?Had anybody in the history of St. Paul ever had a positive experience with a roofer?

承租人拒绝汇出房租,除非盖屋人从腐烂的屋顶换掉这些的腐烂的木头。The renter refused to remit the rent until a roofer removed the rotten wood from the rotten roof.

我一看到盖屋顶的人就马上派人来修。你今天上午在家吗?I will be sending someone out as soon as I can get hold of the roofer. Will you be home this morning?

列出了锥形及球形滚子的蜗杆凸轮的曲面方程。The curve equations of worm indexing earn mechanism with taper and spherical roofer have been listed.

除石油钻台农夫外,2011年最好职业另有钢铁农、砍木农、屋顶修修农、和入租车司机。The least desirable jobs along with roustabout for 2011 are iron worker, lumberjack, roofer and taxi driver, it said.

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除了石油钻台工人外,2011年最差职业还有钢铁工、伐木工、屋顶建筑工、和出租车司机。The least desirable jobs along with roustabout for 2011 are iron worker, lumberjack, roofer and taxi driver, it said.

屋顶施工专业的学生用专业知识来安装,修复和完成的工业和住宅楼宇的外墙屋顶。A roofer program allows students to use professional knowledge to install. repair and finish exterior roofs of both industrial and residential buildings.

出狱后他就来到牧师所在的教会,是虔诚和忠实的信徒,他开始做生意,帮人翻修屋顶,所有的收入都捐给了教会,自己分文不取。After being released from prison, he joined their church and became a pious and faithful brother. He also started a small business as a roofer and donated all his income to the church.