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里克极不情愿地跟在她身后。Rick begrudgingly follows.

就由哥哥来抚养他,但这个哥哥十分吝啬。He was raised by an older brother who raised him up begrudgingly.

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美国宇航局看似极不情愿地发布了一项空前的飞行报告。NASA has begrudgingly released information from an unprecedented survey of pilots.

他的坦率让我恼火。我承认他是对的,但十分不甘心。His terrible directness made me feel peeved , and begrudgingly I conceded that he was right.

但是汉诺威96非常坚决的希望得到这名球员,而我们也必须作出牺牲。Hanover 96 were very determined to acquire his services and we must begrudgingly allow him to leave.

这和阿索卡要面对的那种挑战很相似,尤其是在阿纳金勉强接受了她以后。It's a challenge similar to the one Ahsoka faces, particularly since Anakin accepted her only begrudgingly.

一开始我还愿意花些钱在里面,因为来自不要浪费钱的压力会促使我前进。At first, I liked paying for it because the pressure not to waste my money pushed me to go. But only begrudgingly.

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对于一个年过八十,在议会委员会上提供证词时还有着满腹怨言的老人,我没有什么深仇大恨。I don't have a vendetta against anyone over 80 who likes to begrudgingly give evidence to parliamentary committees.

它只能无奈地顺应当今流行的市场需求,只能做几季前就应该做的。It has only begrudgingly been swept up in the current popular demand, and it is only doing now what it should have done many seasons ago.

他们觉得洗生菜是低三下四的工作,因此做起来很勉强而且往往从开始工作就开始叫苦不迭。They believe that cleaning lettuce is beneath them and they do it begrudgingly. They complain and whine the whole time they are cleaning lettuce.

我们中的大多数人小气的执行着她的指挥,对生物学结构和生物学基本原理没有任何的概念。And most of us begrudgingly complied with her command having no concept of the anatomical and biomechanical rationale behind her persistent prodding.

当德古拉的一群远亲出现在她的城堡中,并希望这位冷血的主人给以热情的迎接时,他吝啬地招待了他们。When a gaggle of Dracula's distant kinfolk shows up at his castle expecting a warm welcome from their cold-blooded host, he begrudgingly accommodates them.

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周五沉稳而清醒的思绪很不情愿地给今天渐渐活跃的创造性想法让位了,虽然阴郁、低迷的情绪还没有完全散尽。Friday's more sober thoughts and feelings begrudgingly give way to more creative ideas today, despite an emotional atmosphere that remains somewhat serious and moody.

以色列勉强承认了此次发生在裁军会议期间的对话,但立刻强调说此次对话是在缺乏友好的气氛中进行的。Israel begrudgingly acknowledged the exchange, which took place across the conference floor, but was quick to stress that it took place in an atmosphere bereft of conviviality.

公所主要由镇长办公室和小型地方法庭组成,保证城邑秩序运转正常,即便最为挑剔的居民有时亦会对公所所起作用微微颔首。The hall is predominantly a clerical office, and minor courthouse that ensures the settlement here is run with some sense of order, something even the peasants would begrudgingly admit they need.