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每晚8小时的不间断睡眠。Get uninterrupted 8 hours sleep each night.

不间断地提供质量有保证的药物Uninterrupted supply of quality-assured drugs

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因此,复式过滤器能够不间断运转。Thus the duplex strainer can provide uninterrupted operation.

估价人员被给以不受干扰的时间进行工料估计。Estimators are given uninterrupted time for quantity take-off.

自然在安排呼吸器官的运作上,是一时一刻都不休息的。Nature is uninterrupted to arrange the operation of breath organ.

那日本呢,他们有没有...,你们觉得他们的数据完整吗What about Japan, do they have-- do you think they have uninterrupted?

刚有儿女的父母通常难以有一个完全没有被骚扰到的8小时睡眠夜。New parents will have a hard time sleeping eight, uninterrupted hours a day.

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而祖,从不间断地给妻子凯瑟琳写信。And ancestor, to the wife from uninterrupted ground Kathleen writes a letter.

当然,找到一段不受打扰的时间也极具挑战性,但并非完全不可能。Of course, finding uninterrupted time can be a challenge, but it can be done.

新的保险杠模有更深弧形的,不间断的表面。The new bumper mouldings are much deeper with curved, uninterrupted surfaces.

这意味着当一台服务器关闭时,另一台就在不间断地运行。This means that while one server is down, the other is running uninterrupted.

有不间断的学习时间是关键,CCNA和CCNP认证成功。Having uninterrupted study time is key to CCNA and CCNP certification success.

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这个新页面可以让用户连续观看提交到Reddit上的视频。The new page allows users uninterrupted viewing of videos submitted to Reddit.

许可方不保证任何程序的不中断或无差错运行。Licensor dose not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operating of the Program.

证劵交易所的交易没有间断,期间的损失很小。Trade on the Nasdaq stock market went uninterrupted and the impact was minimal.

主要由于朝鲜半岛晴朗的天空允许MODIS获取近似不间断的图像。Mostly clear skies allowed MODIS a nearly uninterrupted view of the Korean Peninsula.

在他的杂记,理想是实现不间断地与上帝。In his Miscellanies, the ideal was the attainment of uninterrupted communion with God.

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数据库设置和所有工作负载不间断地连续执行。The database setup and all of the workloads are executed in a single uninterrupted sequence.

佛号决定不间断,无论从事什么样的工作,都不可以把这句佛号间断。Bihao decision uninterrupted No matter what kind of work can not be interrupted to this Fuxiao.

比如说,如果突然没了网络信号,你也可以不中断地继续玩游戏。Gamers, for instance, can continue playing uninterrupted even if their device loses its signal.