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美国有没有想到过非洲一丁点的最佳利益?Did America care one hoot for Africa's best interest?

戴夫这个人蛮有意思。他经常有很有趣的故事讲给我们。Dave sure is a hoot. He's always got a funny story to tell.

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如果他不正面回答咱们的问题,我们就把他轰下去。Let's hoot him down if he doesn't answer our questions directly.

比尔对考试及格还是不及格一点都不在乎。Bill doesn't give a hoot whether he passes his examination or not.

在一串尖声鸣叫的喇叭声中,他快速地跑向她。In a string of shrill hoot of the horn sound, he quickly ran to her.

因为就算在鸟儿那毫无想象力的脑袋瓜里面,赌博都是一个诱人的犯罪。Because even for a literal bird brain, hitting the lottery is a hoot.

听起来像是他们正在杀猫,除此之外,闹哄哄的。It sounds like they were killing cats, but beyond that, it was a hoot.

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能听见大声的吵闹和欢呼声,还能看见所有的挥动的光剑。It was a hoot to hear boos and cheers, and see all the waving light sabers.

古罗马人相信一旦有人听见猫头鹰的叫声,不久就会死掉。The ancient romans believed if someone heard an owl hoot he would soon die.

你可能只见过两只嫩黄的眼睛瞪着你或者听到猫头鹰的大叫声。You may see just two bright yellow eyes staring at you or hear a loud hoot.

这听起来像是一部令人捧腹的电视剧,我只希望在澳大利亚也能播放。It sounds like a hoot and one can only hope that it gets picked up here, too.

迫于无奈姜宇赫给妈妈打去了电话,却只听到其大声呵斥。But under JiangYuHe the mother called to the telephone, but only hear its loud hoot.

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假使我们这样打扮步行到教堂,教区里的孩子们必定要跟在后头喝倒采的。If we walk to church in this trim, the very children in the parish will hoot after us.

他们不会关注你的健康,而政府也不会保护你。They don't give a hoot about your health and your government won't protect you either.

那些对历史毫不在意的顾客也许只是出于喜好就购买这种新款式甲虫车。Those who don't care a hoot about history might just buy the New Beetle because they like it.

特别是如果有小孩子在场,很容易就能举办自己的小型奥林匹尅运动会。Particularly if there are kids on the vacation, it can be a hoot to create your own mini-Olympics.

猫头鹰呜呜呜唱,宣布新学年开始的时候,浣熊妈妈把自己的左手贴在脸颊上,忍不住露出了微笑。And as the hoot owl rang in the new school year, she pressed her left hand to her cheek and smiled.

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她认为这太搞笑了,于是有一年,她就给我做了这个小破兰迪玩具娃娃。And so she thought that was a real hoot so one year she made for me this little Raggedy Randy doll.

猫头鹰在远方继续叫着,晚风吹得树叶沙沙作响。The hoot owl continued its call in the distance, and the night breeze rustled the leaves in the trees.

“中国说”????哈哈哈哈。就像真的指望他们帮我做决定一样,真搞笑。"China says"????? hahahahahah. Like were really looking to them to help us make decisions. What a hoot.