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该方案必须能防止哈马斯重新武装。It has to be a solution that does not allow the rearmament of Hamas.

其次,联邦德国在美国的支持下走上了重新武装的道路。Secondly, the Federal Republic was given rearmament by America's support.

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他还希望在2011年开始陆军和海军的“大规模装备整顿”。He also wants a "large-scale rearmament" of the Army and Navy beginning in 2011.

我们再也不会失业,不会有大萧条,不会有法西斯主义,也不会重整军备了。We're never going back to unemployment, the Great Depression, to fascism, to rearmament.

我们看到,日本近期在加快重整军备,这确实值得我们关注。We have noted that Japan has stepped up its rearmament recently, a move calling for attention.

所谓的三方干涉使得日本不断增强其在军队和海军的实力。The so called Triple Intervention caused the Japanese army and navy to intensify their rearmament.

过于庞大的重整军备开支会给国家的生产力带来难以承受的负担。Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation'sproductive capacity.

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重新武装联邦德国是二战后一个极为敏感的问题。It was a very serious problem on the rearmament of The Federal Republic of Germany after the Second World War.

况且,海军部分的扫兴没有带来以它一个直接轮给无穷的重新武装。Moreover, the frustration of naval limitation did not bring with it an immediate turn to unlimited rearmament.

为此,美国默认德国重整军备的举动,并先后推出富勒使命和韦尔斯计划等安抚德国的行动与设想。So, it tacitly approved Germany rearmament. Moreover, America sent Fuller to Germany as well as advocated Welles Plan.

经接纳空气重整军备对德国,库务局拒绝资助海军重整军备,对日本在同一时间举行。Having accepted air rearmament against Germany, the Treasury refused to fund naval rearmament against Japan at the same time.

那么,这就是英国从裁军转换到重整军备的故事,临时的遏制政策也存在于两者中。This, then, is the story of Britain's shift from disarmament to rearmament and the interim policy of deterrence which came in between.

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1950年朝鲜战争的爆发加剧了西方世界对苏联的恐惧,在美国强烈要求重新武装联邦德国的背景之下,法国外长普利文于匆忙中提出了“欧洲军”计划。Korea War broke out in 1950 and strengthened the fear of Western countries to Soviet Union. The U. S. asked for the rearmament of Germany.

战后的西德重新武装问题同西欧防务联合问题密不可分,是西方阵营的一个重要事件。In the post-war era, as an important event of Western bloc, the West German Rearmament issue tied up with the West European Defense Integration.

双方的重整军备已经引起了风险。美国新政府很有可能将给持续上升的紧张局势带来更多不确定性。Rearmament on both sides has raised the stakes. The new U. S. administration will likely herald more uncertainty in an increasingly tense environment.

尽管真主党上周否认,那些武器是运给它的,但是,其高级指挥官并没有刻意掩饰其重新武装的规模。Although the organisation denied last week that the weapons were intended for its use, senior commanders have done little to disguise the scale of rearmament.

澳洲应该购买日本潜艇,因为这有助于日本将更多资金投资在军事建设上以对抗中国不断的军事扩张。Australia should buy the Japanese submarines because this will help the Japanese to fund their own rearmament program in order to confront the Chinese military expansion.

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Patria和其转包商一起,将为该项目提供极大的支持,包括软件设计、装备掩体改良和修整。Patria, together with its subcontractors, will contribute a significant part of the program including the software design, equipment shelter rearmament and modifications.

一些包括提高生活水平住房水平,和自从战争时就一直在进行的重整军备项目在内的问题在活动中都被重视起来。Several main issues were highlighted during the campaign including the rising cost of living, housing and the expensive rearmament programme which has been ongoing since the war.

梅德维杰夫总统表示俄罗斯将增加战斗准备,大范围重整军备以回应他所说的“北约扩张到国家门口”。President Dmitri Medvedev says Russia will increase combat readiness and undergo large-scale rearmament in response to what he says is NATO expansion toward the country's borders.