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驶近苏伊士湾,减速航行。Approach Suez Bay and reduce speed.

这条船从苏伊上直接开往孟买吗?And does she go from suez directly to Bombay?

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一九五六年七月,埃及占领了苏伊士运河。In July, 1956, Egypt had seized the Suez Canal.

格雷斯影星变王妃,畅销书,苏伊士运河危机。Princess Grace, "Peyton Place", Trouble in the Suez.

向港调报告苏伊士运河吨位,载重吨以及吃水。Report Suez tonnage, DWTC and draft to port control.

换句话说,我们不要期待北极出现一个新的巴拿马或者苏伊士运河。In otherwords, don't expect a new Panamaor Suez Canal.

我差点在苏伊士运河以内的一场交火中丧生。I was nearly killed in a firefight inside the Suez Canal.

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对Nasser而言,这是指苏伊士运河,对卡扎菲而言,就是石油。For Nasser, it was the Suez Canal. For Gaddafi, it was oil.

苏伊士湾上的两座大型风力发电厂已经产出500兆伏电能。Two large wind farms on the Gulf of Suez already generate 500MW.

当时叙利亚正处于法国的控制之下,他为什么不索要那里的基地以便攻击苏伊士?Why did he not demand bases in French-controlled Syria to attack Suez?

苏伊士运河探照灯,但插座和吊柱由建造方提供。Suez Canal searchlight, but socket and davit to be supplied by builder.

那就是当初撤出苏伊士以东的最首要的原因。That was the reason for withdrawing from East of Suez in the first place.

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苏伊士运河长约两百公里,始于苏伊士港。The Suez Canal runs for about two hundred kilometers from the Port of Suez.

这些功能共同在许多网站上地中海和苏伊士湾。These features are common in many sites on the Mediterranean and Gulf of Suez.

莫智和是苏伊士利安水务集团监察董事会的前主席。Mr Monod was formerly Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux.

因为他在加尔各答和在苏伊士、孟买一样,还是没有接到伦敦寄来的拘票。For the warrant had failed to reach him at Calcutta, as it had done at Bombay and Suez.

以色列进行反击并击退叙利亚把苏伊士运河划归为埃及。Israel counterattacked and drove the Syrians back and crossed the Suez Canal into Egypt.

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在苏伊士湾和亚喀巴湾延伸从红海向地中海。The Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba extend from the Red Sea toward the Mediterranean.

英国政府已经建议停止一切除非必要的前往开罗、亚历山大港、卢克索和苏伊士的旅行。The UK has advised against all but essential travel to Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor and Suez.

在苏伊士运河危机期间,1956年油价上涨,那时他们特别流行。They became particularly popular when fuel prices shot up in 1956, during the Suez crisis.