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麦尔维尔写〈白鲸〉用了十六个月。Melville wrote MobyDick in sixteen months.

梅尔维尔似乎发现伊希梅尔是个讨厌的人。It is as though Melville finds Ishmael a nuisance.

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梅尔维尔似乎发现伊希梅尔是个讨厌的人。In Melville as in Allen Poe there is a sort of hectic excess.

因为我还不知道法官是否密封了这些问题。I don't know if Judge Melville has unsealed those questions, or not.

我认为泰彼是一个更好的介绍比任何别的梅尔维尔。I think Typee is a better introduction to Melville than anything else.

我们建议这些客户同时联系安省证券委员会和我们机构。We suggest that these clients approach both OSC and us, said Melville.

而移民尤其容易受骗上当。And immigrants are particularly vulnerable to the scam, " said Melville."

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研究人员对托马斯•哈代、D.H.劳伦斯、赫尔曼•梅尔维尔的著作进行了分析。Researchers analyzed books by Thomas Hardy, D.H. Lawrence, and Herman Melville.

并且要承认在梅尔维尔之后,美国还没有真正好的作家——直到塞林格的出现。And admit that after Melville there had been no really good American writer until—Salinger.

麦尔维尔经常对写作、阅读和认知等心理活动进行评说。Melville frequently comments on mental processes such as writing, reading, and understanding.

“在将林肯和福特的经销商紧密联接起来这个问题上,福特需要十分小心,”麦德勤说。“Ford needs to be careful about getting Lincoln too tied to Ford dealerships,” Melville said.

“在将林肯和福特的经销商紧密联接起来这个问题上,福特需要十分小心,”麦德勤说。“Ford needs to be careful about getting Lincoln too tied to Ford dealerships, ” Melville said.

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麦尔维尔在整个作品中突出了友情和人类多文化社会的意义。Throughout, Melville stresses the importance of friendship and the multicultural human community.

“呀,但那是太消极了并像梦般浆糊黏黏的,”阿尔瓦说,“尽管韵律像。"Ah but thats too pessimistic and like dream gucky, " says Alvah, "though the rhyme is pure like Melville. "

梅维尔在这部小说中使用了别具一格的语言、象征和隐喻来探讨众多复杂的主题。In Moby-Dick, Melville employs stylized language, symbolism, and metaphor to explore numerous complex themes.

Lamed一个坏腿,梅尔维尔成为脱离他的同伴,并花了一个月仅在该公司的本地人。Lamed with a bad leg, Melville became separated from his companion and spent a month alone in the company of the natives.

阿玛比尔表示,在林肯的1,187个经销商中,其展厅数量是雷克萨斯的五倍,后者拥有230个。At 1,187 dealers, Lincoln has more than five times more showrooms than Lexus, which has 230, Grant Thornton’s Melville said.

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阿玛比尔表示,在林肯的1,187个经销商中,其展厅数量是雷克萨斯的五倍,后者拥有230个。At 1, 187 dealers, Lincoln has more than five times more showrooms than Lexus, which has 230, Grant Thornton’s Melville said.

饱学之士也大言不惭地承认,他们尚不知霍桑和梅尔维尔为何许人。诸如此类的事是屡见不鲜的。And it was not uncommon to hear otherwise well-read men confess to an ignorance of Hawthorne or Melville without embarrassment.

第四章从叙事理论的角度确认了叙述者伊什梅尔与文本隐含作者—隐含于文本中的麦尔维尔的形象—的代理关系。Chapter four provides a validation of the relationship between Ishmael, the narrator, and the implied image of Melville in Moby-Dick.