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阿森纳锁不住你的心。Arsenal can't lock your heart.

巴我原谅你,我讨厌阿森纳队。I forgive you, I hate Arsenal.

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他昨天跟阿塞纳尔队签了约。He signed for arsenal yesterday.

而且默特萨克想去的一直都只是阿森纳。It was always going to be Arsenal.

阿森纳接近于一笔转会吗?Are Arsenal close to a new signing?

阿森纳本应是排在榜首的。Arsenal should be top of the league.

敌机把我们的兵工厂作为轰炸目标。The enemy bombers targeted our arsenal.

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紧接着第二场比赛,0-1输给了富勒姆。Then came game No2. Fulham 1-0 Arsenal.

阿森纳能够感觉到久旱逢甘雨的味道。Arsenal can sense an end to the drought.

两分种后,阿森纳取得领先。Two minutes later Arsenal took the lead.

我并不支持阿森纳的运营方式。I am not in favour of the Arsenal system.

一名男子发疯似的用各种枪支乱射。A man went berserk with an arsenal of guns.

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目前为止我是一个完完整整的阿森纳人。As far as I know I am totally with Arsenal.

但皇马,阿森纳和尤文都想要买到我的儿子。But Real, Arsenal and Juve all want my son.

“听到球迷的喝彩歌声很棒,”他说。"It's nice to hear, " he told Arsenal. com.

于是我就买了阿森纳的季票给她。So I've bought her an Arsenal season ticket.

这是马里奥武器库新增的一款小巧工具。It’s a neat gadget to add to Mario’s arsenal.

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尤文盯上法国二人组而阿森纳则看上了阿皮亚。Juve target French duo as Arsenal eye Appiah.

噢,他今晚真是火力全开!Oh, he is sure he complete arsenal the night.

双方均将其核弹头数量减少到1,700枚以下。Each side will cut its arsenal to below 1,700.