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一些小商贩太宰人了。Some peddlers overcharge too much.

出租汽车司机想多收她的车钱。The taxi-driver tried to overcharge her.

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许多小商店要价过高并不奇怪。But no doubt small shops often do overcharge.

具备完善的过充、过放电保护功能。Protection for overcharge and over discharge.

街上的水果摊老是讨价过高。Fruit sellers on the street always overcharge.

过充电保护,以防止损害电池。Overcharge protection prevents harm to battery.

他们企图向我漫天要价,但我没同意。They tried to overcharge me, but I didn't agree.

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别让那些贪心的计程车司机多收你的钱。Don't let those grasping taxi drivers overcharge you.

具有过充及过放电自我保护性能。Has overcharge and over discharge protection performance.

家庭用电不可超载。The family electricity should not overcharge in operation.

餐馆不仅要价太高,而且对我的服务也不周到。Not only did the restaurant overcharge me, but they hadn't served me well.

有时,他们收费过高或者要不给我修我一直在给钱的那些零部件。Sometimes, they overcharge or don’t build those parts I have been paying for.

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过充保护,过放保护,过流保护,短路保护。Overcharge protection, over-discharge protection, over current, short circuit protection.

蓄电池充满电后,控制器要控制蓄电池不被过充。Full of electricity, controller battery to control the storage battery were not overcharge.

实验证明,二甲苯是锂离子电池优良的过充保护添加剂。Therefore, xylene can be a promising overcharge protection additive in lithium ion batteries.

选择合理的过充保护添加剂是提高锂离子电池耐过充性能的主要措施。The main measures of improving overcharge performance was adaptive overcharge protecting additive.

概述了过充电时电池内部的反应机理和提高电池耐过充性的措施。The internal reaction mechanism and protection means of the battery during overcharge were summarized.

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综述了二次锂电池过充电保护添加剂的原理及其特点。The principle and characteristics of overcharge additives for secondary lithium batteries are reviewed.

所以CHB是锂离子蓄电池优良的过充保护添加剂。All these advantages promise CHB to be an ideal overcharge protection additive in lithium ion batteries.

远远超出100V的总线电压排除了对于标准IC的过渡充电和过度放电的使用的保护。Bus voltages greater than 100V preclude the use of a standard IC for overcharge and overdischarge protection.