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其二、金圣叹的人物性格理论是系统的。Second , MR King's theory is systematical.

有极强的系统管理能力。Excellent ability of systematical management

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人的培养是一个系统的工程。The education of person is a systematical project.

我具有极强的系统管理能力。I have excellent ability of systematical management.

反贫困是一项复杂的社会系统工程。The anti-poverty is complex social systematical engineering.

ERP系统的投资就是有系统的工程。The investment of ERP system is the systematical engineering

上进心强,可靠,并具有系统化的思考方法。Highly-motivated and reliable with systematical thinking approach.

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阐述了充电机试验台的系统设计,介绍了充电机性能试验的检测项目。The systematical design of the test stand for chargers is expounded.

但目前回灌系统的设计尚不完整、系统。But presently the water-returning system is not so perfect and systematical.

然而目前还没有形成系统地降低采购成本的方法。However, there still lack of systematical methods to reduce the purchasing cost.

马克思对小农的特点进行了系统的论述。Marx put forward a systematical discussion on the characteristics of smallholders.

本文提出了此课题的系统的计算公式,并展示出一个应用实例。Systematical theoritical formulae of this topic is presented and example is given.

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本文对卷筒纸胶印机进行了系统的研究。This paper provides a systematical research about the web-offset -printing machines.

详述了大学园区污水生态处理技术的工艺和系统设计问题。The process and systematical design issues about college campus sewage were discussed.

现代意义上的竞争是有组织的社会生活的一个重要组成部分。Competition in the sense of modern is an important part of the systematical social life.

因此,乙酸铜对蚕豆根尖细胞具有明显的致畸效应。Thus, copper acetic acid had systematical teratogenic effects on Vicia faba root tip cells.

对着色多晶进行系统光谱测量和分析,提出色心产生和转化机理。Systematical spectral measurement and analysis were carried out to the colored polycrystals.

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之后,通过PAL制编码电路,获得无彩色失真的视频信号。Finally, a no colour distortional video signal was obtained by PAL systematical coding circuit.

此外,他们应该得到系统化先培训,以便有效率和有经验的。Moreover, they should get systematical training first, in order to be efficient and experienced.

审判流程管理制度是一种科学的案件管理制度。We can learn from Britains nature, systematical and positive judicial process management system.