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小熊脸。Bear face.

我是艾比熊。I'm Abby Bear.

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灰熊僵住了。The bear froze.

巴鲁是只熊。Baloo is a bear.

熊熊说道,“一只大棕熊。”A big brown bear.

像狗熊一样爬。Climb like a bear.

熊是动物。The bear is animal.

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这只熊是褐色的呀。This bear is brown.

我们会来扶棺。We'll bear the pall.

我对他没有任何怨恨情绪。I bear him no grudge.

我对你毫无恶意。I bear you no malice.

她是不会忍受侮辱的。She won't bear coals.

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谁来负责棺罩?Who'll bear the pall?

那只幼兽是只小熊。A cub is a small bear.

熊是与平衡相关的。Bear is about balance.

我想叫巨熊吧。I think is Giant Bear.

我要逆来顺受,忍气吞声强作欢笑。I'll grin and bear it.

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那只熊笨拙地行走着。The bear lumped along.

那只熊就是克丽丝桃。The bear was Callisto.

那头熊非常庞大。The bear was enormous.