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警方赶到达拉斯教科书存放处。Police raced to the Dallas Schoolbook Depository.

传统的教科书说通货膨胀将导致货币贬值。Traditional schoolbook says inflation will cause devaluation.

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享受免费教科书的学生不再交纳课本费。The student that enjoys free schoolbook pays textbook fee no longer.

她先把词典当作教科书,利用它来学习读音规则。She took it as a schoolbook which she used to learn the rules of pronunciation.

它比普通的课本稍大一点,有几个操作按钮和供阅读的显示屏。It is a little bigger than a schoolbook. It has several buttons and a display screen for reading.

语文教科书隐性价值是客观存在的,但又是轻易被忽视的和遗忘的。Chinese schoolbook is recessive value is objective existence, but it is easy be ignored with what forget.

文章通过教材管理系统的建模过程,探讨运用UML进行对象建模的方法和技巧。This paper discusses how to employ UML to carry on the object-oriented modeling in the schoolbook management system.

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一师校长是新派人物,首先采用了白话文教科书。The principal of Jinan First Normal School was a New side figure who first adopted schoolbook written in the vernacular.

鉴于本文并非复合地板铺设的教科书,在此不做详述,反正师傅会帮你搞定的。Be not the schoolbook of compound floor laid in view of the article, do not do here expatiatory , anyway the master can help you do decide.

在过去的政治经济学教科书中,对“资本”的概念几乎都是这样定义的,即“资本是能够带来剩余价值的价值。”In the plutonomy schoolbook in the past, right " capital " the concept is such definitions almost, namely " capital is the value that can bring surplus value.