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我不喜欢单独旅行。I loathe travelling alone.

如果你在亚洲旅行,If you're travelling in Asia

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他非常喜欢旅行。He likes travelling very much.

她坐的是三等舱。She was travelling third class.

我在周游世界,I'm travelling around the world,

是啊。我喜欢坐火车旅行。Yep. I like travelling by train.

对于出差你怎么认为?How do you feel about travelling?

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如今新闻播得很快。News is travelling fast nowadays.

当然不会,我很喜欢出差。Definitely not.I enjoy travelling.

现在,就是旅行和Right now, it's just travelling and

想不想让旅行多一些乐趣呢?Want to get some fun while travelling?

一名乘客,商务仓。One passenger travelling business class.

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这位皇帝喜欢微有私访。The emperor liked travelling in disguise.

这次的外出旅游账目由我负责管理。The travelling accounts are handled by me.

他的旅伴是个古怪的人。His travelling companion is a queer person.

我们都在朝前走,这就被称之为“旅行”。We've all moved on. It's called travelling.

我喜欢旅游。我最爱意大利。I love travelling. I love Italy most of all.

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孩子们在伏尔加河上旅行。Children travelling to Moscow on Volga river.

海伦对自己一个人出远门旅行感到担心。Helen is anxious about travelling on her own.

喜欢旅行的人感到胸襟开阔。People who like travelling feel broad-minded.