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彤彤是我的表妹。Tung Tung is my cousin.

肥东是侧田学教授。Tung is a justinology professor.

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同发号建筑材料有限公司。Tung Fat Ho Building Material Ltd.

前往东涌嘅列车即将到达。The train to Tung Chung is arriving.

周冬雪在家演奏小步舞曲。Tung Suet plays Bach's minuet at home.

“他们来侵占中国,”董说。"They came to steal China, " Tung said.

终于给我找到那本董桥的书了。I have finally found the book by Tung Chiao.

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桐油和樟木曾是它主要出口货物。Its chief exports were tung oil and camphor.

每朵油桐花都只有一天的寿命。Each oil tung flower has one day-long of life.

乘客可在该站转乘地铁东涌线。Passenger may change there for MTR Tung Chung Line.

肥东是香港侧田大学的侧田学家。Tung is a justinian of The Justin University of HK.

可能北京政府对董建华已失去耐性。Beijing's patience with Mr Tung had probably run-out.

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芮孝俭在做总结性发言时,也对董建华赞誉有加。In his concluding remarks, Roy eulogized Tung as well.

伞面棉纸上桐油,具有防水及强化伞面的功用。Brush Tung Oil on the paper to make it water resistant.

董建华将在施政报告中透露更多详情。Mr Tung will disclose more details in his policy address.

本文研究了桐油和苯酚在酸催化剂存在下的反应过程。The reaction between Tung Oil and phenol has been studied.

董和方继续守护着,抱着万一的希望。Tung and Fong continued their vigil , hoping against hope.

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此情况反映董建华政府的弱势。The situation reflects the weakness of the Tung government.

请问你整体黎讲对董建华既施政方针满唔满意呢?Are you satisfied with Tung Chee-hwa's administration policy?

董先生于一九九七年七月一日就职,任期五年。Mr Tung assumed office on July 1, 1997, for a five-year term.