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但是我不愿意,我担心,小葱会生病的!But I do not want, I am worried, shallot will be sick!

情侣靠感情生活,正象云雀靠韭葱生活相同。The lover live by loving as same as lark live by shallot.

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免治猪肉、方鱼碎及乾�拌匀,下腌料拌匀成馅料。Mix pork, dried fish and shallot. Marinate to make filling.

绿草如茵,怎盖得住你的青葱岁月。Can the carpet of green grass, how cover your shallot years.

辣椒,辣椒和葱,通常在这个司必需品。Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessaries in this division.

红辣椒,青辣椒和青葱在这一菜系中的必备品。Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessaries in this division.

中午,我又去看小葱,小葱在风中摇摇摆摆,好象是在跳舞。At noon, I see shallot , shallot swaying in the wind, as if dancing.

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介绍了香葱肉丝快炒面调料包的制作工艺及食用方法。The technics of producing sauce for shallot meat silk fried noodle was introduced.

将上一步做好的汁淋在蒸好的鳕鱼上,装饰香香葱切碎。Sprinkle the mixed sauce on the steamed cod, and garnish with chopped fragrant shallot.

雌成虫产卵量最高为取食菜心的处理,其次是取食葱的处理。The highest number of female progeny was recorded on flowering stem, and then on shallot.

锅里加入橄榄油,放入蒜末和红葱头末炒香。Add the olive oil into the same pan, and stir in chopped garlic and shallot until fragrant.

因为使用青葱和大蒜做为调料,山东菜系通常很辣。Shallot and garlic are usually used as seasonings so Shandong dishes tastes pungent usually.

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第一天早上,我去观察小葱,它并没有什么变化,还是呆呆地在那里一动不动。The first morning, I went to observe the shallot , it does not have any change, or afford, where a motionless.

鲫鱼麻辣鲜嫩,辅之小调料花生脆香、榨菜醇香、火葱的芳香,均在口中迸发出来,味道一流。Crucian carp is spicy, tender, and sends out the fragrance of crisp peanut, salted vegetable and shallot while eating.

最爱吃的菜是那小葱拌豆腐,一青二白清清白白做人不掺假。Most loves the vegetable which eats is that shallot mixes the bean curd, blue two white pure personhoods do not adulterate.

将煎好的牛排放在盘子中央,上面放芦笋,淋上小洋葱红酒汁,即可。Mount the beef in the center of the plate, place the asparagus on top, and pour on the shallot and red wine sauce to serve.

第三,本论文将HACCP的基本原理应用于福建闽中有机食品有限公司的冷冻干燥小香葱产品的加工过程。The basic principles of HACCP system was applied to the processing procedure of freeze-dried shallot in Minzhong Organic food Co.

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下次如果我还种什么东西,我一定不能把它给忘了,不然像小葱一样干枯了,那可不好。Next time when I also planted something, I must not put it to forget, or else the same as dry as the shallot , and it could be bad.

这一种粽子叫做「粄粽」,是用糯米、在来米、萝卜丝、绞肉和油葱酥做的。This is called " Savory Tsung". It is made of sweet rice, long-grain rice, shredded preserved Chinese radish, ground pork and fried minced shallot.

通过对香葱的预处理、速冻、冻干脱水及复水性研究,确定了相应的预处理工艺参数及冻干工艺参数。The pretreatment, quick-frozen, freeze-dry dehydration and rehydration of shallot are analyzed. The corresponding pretreatment technology, eutectic point and freeze dry curve are decided.