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迈克大脑的这部分比较紊乱。Mike is quite disorganized there.

他们的背叛瓦解了该党。Their betray disorganized the party.

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你们俩都是杂乱无章的低能。Both of you are disorganized incompetents.

大暴风雪打乱了航班时刻表。Heavy snowstorms disorganized the airline schedule.

解组和失功能的家庭,不安全的环境。Disorganized and Dysfunctional family, unsafe environment.

有激情四射充满领袖魅力,但条理不清的领导者。You have passionate, charismastic, and disorganized leaders.

第6周,缺损处可见结构紊乱的新生骨。At 6 weeks, disorganized new bone was found in the defection.

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该秘书的突然离去使全公司陷入混乱。The secretary's sudden departure disorganized the whole company.

其目的是改善雅加达混乱的摩托出租车体系。The aim is to improve Jakarta's disorganized motorcycle taxi system.

有些人,比如我,因为组织能力不足,这样的工具对我就非常有帮助。Some people, like me, are just disorganized and a tool like this helps me.

杂乱或无组织的应用程序既难以理解又不便使用。Cluttered or disorganized apps are difficult to understand and hard to use.

一些空囊,已由结缔纤维所组织化。A few empty cysts were surrounded with disorganized stromal collagen fibers.

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映射可能会变得混乱,因为没有使用足够的容器映射。A map becomes disorganized because not enough container mappings are being used.

杂乱无章的隔间会让员工的专业程度大打折扣。A disorganized cubicle can reflect poorly on the employee’s level of professionalism.

冠瘿是无组织的正在不断增殖的植物细胞所组成的癌状物。Crown galls are cancerous growths composed of disorganized and proliferating plant cells.

他们严肃认真,并且懂得如何处事,还是完全相反——生活的七零八碎,杂乱无章?Are they serious and know how to cope, or, conversely, are they scattered and disorganized?

与此同时,当地救火队员因组织混乱和行动迟缓而受到了铺天盖地的指责。Meanwhile local firefighters are facing a deluge criticism for being disorganized and late.

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血液渗入已遭破坏的组织,皮肤上出现深色斑点。The blood is infiltrated into the disorganized tissues and dark blotches appear on the skin.

要想不变得紊乱,不忘记自己的梦想,就学习武士的秘诀吧。To avoid becoming disorganized and forgetting your vision, follow the secret of the samurai.

德北菲尔德主要依靠这匹老马作小本生意,马一死,生意就立刻垮了。The haggling business, which had mainly depended on the horse, became disorganized forthwith.