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女孩喜欢那些有点独特的男人。Girls like men who are a little offbeat.

来点古怪而又恶搞的东西怎么样?Well, what about something wickedly funny and totally offbeat?

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布莱恩·卡库克正在使用一些奇特的工具来收集样品。Brian Kakuk has an arsenal of offbeat tools for gathering samples.

纽约人被书中多彩的、不落俗套的人物描写迷住了。NewYorkers were charmed by the book's colorful, offbeat characters.

他的书异乎寻常,在那里梦境,回忆和现实三者相互交错。He writes offbeat books where dream , memory and reality often swop.

这就是新生的商业空间飞行产业不尽如人意的现状。Such is the offbeat nature of the emerging commercial spaceflight industry.

满腹的才华和非主流的思想常常使水瓶座不走寻常路。They often take an unusual path, thanks to their intellect and offbeat ideas.

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它鼓励实验人员提出大胆或创新的方法来解决问题。It encouraged experimenters to propose offbeat or novel approaches to problems.

收听与软件创新者展开的有趣的访谈和讨论。Listen to interesting and offbeat interviews and discussions with software innovators.

基廷特异的教学方式常遭到家长及系上其他老师的反对。Keating's offbeat teaching methods often meet with opposition from parents and faculty.

这在1980年发射的另类评论所谓通感怪异Cytowic的探索。This offbeat comment in 1980 launched Cytowic's exploration into the oddity called synesthesia.

对那些喜欢冒险且有胆子去做一些标新立异的事情的人来说,肯定会喜欢这些有创意的广告。For those who are adventurous and have the guts to do something offbeat would love these creative ads.

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华中科技大学的一名大一新生有着不寻常的嗜好—吃昆虫。Dingyu, a freshman of Huzhong University of Science and Technology, has an offbeat hobby ---eat insects.

要把自己不寻常的专业付诸职业用途,这让每个人都担心会陷入前途渺茫的境地。Putting your offbeat major to professional use can make anyone worry about getting stuck in the career desert.

一种交互式高清的视频体验农民大学,一警声“学习更高的保险机构”。An interactive HD video experience for the University of Farmers, an offbeat "higher learning institution for insurance".

更离奇的是,一则钢铁工业的招工广告主角竟然是穿着紧身裤的长发吉他手大喊着“动感金属!On the more offbeat side, an ad for the steel industry features a long-haired guitarist in spandex pants shouting, “Metal rocks!”

在该作品中,作者将曲折离奇的情节结构与富于象征意味的描写相互交织在一起,使小说表现出强烈的神秘性。The striking feature of the novel full of mysteries, will be explored from its offbeat plot and structure and symbolic descriptions.

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如果说中国广告匠气有余创意不足的话,那满眼“非富即贵”的直肠子地产广告便是近乎“垃圾”的程度了。Wu said China's advertising creative than if inadequate, then eyeful "non-rich that your" offbeat real estate advertising is almost "junk" level.

但我学会了两个与众不同的安全忠告,谨记于心,现在我把它们告诉大家,说不定这忠告能救一位或两位订阅者的性命呢。But I picked up two offbeat safety tips that have stuck in my mind and which I now pass on in case they might save the life of a subscriber or two.

电影制作人韦史迪曼描述大城市里一个浪漫想主义者的诙谐爱情喜剧。From filmmaker Whit Stillman comes another witty comedy featuring the kind of offbeat romantic idealists that enlivened his acclaimed Metropolitan.