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现在我们结束典礼的部分。We now conclude the ceremony.

作者最后对Volta做了简要总结The authors conclude that Volta

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我最后再举一个例子。I will conclude with a last example.

这一课就到此结束So, that will conclude this lecture.

我想以一首欧文的诗作结。I want to conclude with a poem by Owen.

结果有些人会怎么做呢?And what does someone start to conclude?

以一个引证结束,或者号召大家去行动。Conclude with a quote or call to action.

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现在对这事盖棺论定为时过早。It is too early to conclude this matter.

本试验表明弱毒疫苗对仔猪是安全的。We conclude the MLV is safe for piglets.

从他们四位当中我们能总结出什么What can we conclude about these people?

总结一下玥玥最近的情况吧。Let's conclude the situation of Yue then.

谁能得出不同的结论呢?How could anybody conclude any differently?

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从前面谈到的我们可以总结出几点From all this we can conclude several things.

创造学中归纳了许多创造技法。The creation conclude many creative techniques.

当消耗终止,相互依赖将结束。Codependence will conclude as consumption ceases.

你总结的是,有很多作者。You might conclude that there are multiple authors.

我就会得出结论,我一定很敬重你。And I will conclude I must think very highly of you.

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总结单纯形搜索算法的核心思想。Conclude the kernel idea of simplex search algorithm.

这样,我们结束第三个而且是最后一个例子。And with that, we conclude the third and final example.

如果没有其他问题了,记者会到此结束。If there are no more questions, we conclude here today.