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比起玫瑰的芳馥四溢的姣颜。As the perfumed tincture of the roses.

淡紫色系搭配圆点绛红。A tincture of lavender with burgundy dots.

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压紧并倒入干净的酊剂瓶。Strain and pour into cleaned tincture bottles.

往伤口上擦碘酒时,能引起剧痛。The tincture of iodine smarted when applied it to the wound.

这2部分公式包括植物胶囊和酊剂。This 2-part formula includes vegetable capsules and a tincture.

这些草药可以采取的形式胶囊剂,茶或酊剂。These herbs can be taken in the form of capsule, tea or tincture.

它舒适,庄重,时尚并且独领风骚!It has comfort, grandeur, tincture of modernity and above all style!

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茄科植物中提取而得。用于扩大瞳孔,治疗痉挛。An alkaloidal extract or tincture derived from this plant and used in medicine.

你可以用干药草,也可以用你花园里种植的新鲜药草来制作酊剂。You can use either dried or fresh herbs from your garden in making the tincture.

吸入酊将缓解轻微上呼吸道感染。Inhalation of the tincture will relieve minor upper-respiratory tract infections.

有那么一些人他们只能从奢华的气息中享受到生活的乐趣。Some people fail to enjoy life fully, until they find the tincture of luxury in it.

现在请您松开拳吧!我要用碘酒给您的皮肤进行消毒。Now, open your hand please. I'm going to sterilize the skin with tincture of iodine.

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结论无色碘酊治疗扁平疣疗效显著。CONCLUSIONS It is effective to treat the flat verruca with achromatous iodine tincture.

百多邦对皮肤刺激性小但消毒效果低于新洁尔灭酊。Benzalkonium Bromide Tincture had better disinfection effect, but had irritation to skin.

我建议你还是将缬草用作固体装饰或用其他形式提取出来,以防臭味。I suggest that you use valerian in its tincture or solid extract form to stem the stench.

目的优选浓碘酊的最佳处方。Objective To optimize the formulae of concentrated iodine tincture using orthogonal test.

质量控制中采用高效液相色谱法测定薄荷脑苯酚酊中苯酚的含量。Quality control used in hplc determination of menthol tincture of phenol content in phenol.

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“这是安息香酊,”他说,“参加竞技表演的牛仔在骑牛或者骑野马的时候会用它。“It’s tincture of benzoin, ” he said. “Rodeo cowboys use it while riding a bull or a bronc.

目的研究祛风止痒酊的抗过敏与止痒作用。OBJECTIVE To study the effects of Qufeng Zhiyang tincture on anti-allergic and anti-pruritus.

你只要手握酊剂数分种,同时做这个意想,而它将会如是。Simply hold the tincture in your hand for a few minutes with this intention and so it will be.