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下一站系兆康。The next station is Siu Hong.

乘客请留意,下一站为兆康。Attention please, Next stop is Siu Hong.

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就是小李飞刀他娘,可惜她已经过世了。The mom of Dagger Siu Lee, but she passed away.

下一站系兆麟,属单程车票第一收费区。Next stop is Siu Lun. Zone one for Single ride ticket.

叉烧包是众多点心中比较经典的一款。Cha siu baau is a typical part of the varied Dim Sum dishes.

下一站系兆麟,单程车票第一收费区终止。Next stop is Siu Lun. The end of Zone 1 for single-ride ticket.

以下是绘画小西湾略图的三个步骤。Here are the three steps of drawing a sketch map of Siu Sai Wan.

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下一站系兆康,乘客可在该站转乘西铁列车。Next stop is Siu Hong. Passengers for West Rail, please change there.

行人通道連接横跨小西湾道的行人天桥。A pedestrian way passage links up the footbridge across Siu Sai Wan Road.

张肇骏6岁开始习琴,并师从梁宏恩女士。Cheung Siu Chun began his piano studies with Leung Wang Yan at the age of 6.

笑荷在手术前,仍不忘藉电话观看永中赛艇时的表现。Before Siu Hor 's operation, she called Wing Chung and watched his performance.

本班车以兆康为终点站,所有乘客请于该站离开本班列车,多谢合作。This LRV will stop service at Siu Hong, all passenger please alight at that stop.

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是「咏春拳学」非常非常重要的基本套路。Siu Nim Tau is the fundamental routine which is of extreme importance in Scientific Ving Tsun.

与此同时,他将金兆丽的最佳人选圈定巩俐,并正式发出邀请。At that time he decided to have Gong Li play the role King Siu Lai, and officially invited her.

当泰祖到达时,笑荷向他坦言要他想办法将永中交回给她慢慢教导。When Tai Cho arrived, Siu Hor told him to help think of an idea to have Wing Chung return to her.

公司将永远真诚的期待四方宾客携手合作,创造美好的新时代!SIU sincerely expect to cooperate with all customers hands in hands to create the happy new times.

本年三月初,小西湾十名青年无故打死流浪猫黑妹,其中两人遭落案起诉。Early March this year, ten youngsters were found brutalizing and killing a stray cat in Siu Sai Wan.

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托特说,对科学家萧委员会最近向哈尔福德的疫苗研究的支持票。Toth said an SIU committee of scientists recently gave Halford's vaccine findings a vote of support.

由马鞍山开出的班次会因应交通情况或改行小沥源路及大老山公路。Journeys may be diverted via Siu Lek Yuen Road and Tate�� Cairn Highway depending on traffic condition.

肥肥曾经与男演员郑少秋结婚,但是在1987年他们的独生女儿出生之后不久就离婚了。Shum was married to actor Adam Cheung Siu -chow . But they divorced soon after their only daughter was born in 1987.