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灵魂能脱离肉体吗?Can the soul be disembodied?

他的死亡使其灵魂脱离了躯体。His death disembodied his spirits.

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但是这些空洞的声音知道些什么呢?But what do disembodied voices know?

收音机劈劈啪啪地传出不见其人的说话声。A disembodied voice crackled from the radio.

那只游魂手在他的右肩上重新施压。The disembodied hand renewed its pressure on his right shoulder.

拓海、晴美、有希这虚无缥缈的三角爱情如何终了?Sea, fine beauty extension, and the disembodied love triangle to end?

到了夜里,他听得到一阵深沉的、带有一丝鬼蜮色彩的声音,那声音正在慢慢的朗读词典中单词的释义。At night he hears a deep, disembodied voice slowly intoning definitions.

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一个离体的大脑漂浮在一个科学家的实验室的大缸中。A disembodied brain is floating in a vat, inside a scientist's laboratory.

功效强大的电脑源自有关无实体智能的幻想。Powerful computers birthed the fantasy of a pure disembodied intelligence.

心身关系理论的发展主要有离身认知和具身认知两类观点。Disembodied and embodied cognition are considered into the body-mind relationship.

有充分证据证实,想象出不依附于肉体的心智,是非常自然的。There is plenty of evidence that thinking about disembodied minds comes naturally.

那只游魂般的手现在轻轻抓着他的肩膀,但食指和拇指并得很紧。The disembodied hand was now grasping his shoulder lightly but firmly between its finger and thumb.

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关于马克斯脱离肉体的灵魂生活在一个平行宇宙里的观点能带来安慰么?Is there comfort in the idea that Max lives on as a disembodied consciousness in a parallel universe?

卢克的学生们里没人能看见师父脱离身躯的灵体,但两个小绝地双胞胎却可以看见。None of Luke's students could see the disembodied spirit of their Master, but the young Jedi twins could.

古代青森地区的传说中,哇是一种没有实体只有声音的妖怪,通常住在废弃的破旧庙宇和房屋中。In ancient Aomori prefecture legends, Uwan is a disembodied voice that inhabits old, abandoned temples and homes.

控制室内的技师看完我狼狈的表现后不禁大笑,笑声从对讲机传到驾驶座。The disembodied mirth on the intercom is the control-room technicians having a chuckle over my brief discomfiture.

在此期间,尤达和欧比—万将从魁—刚·金的灵魂那里学习威尔斯巫师的秘技。In the interim, Yoda and Obi-Wan would study the Shaman of Whills' knowledge from the disembodied form of Qui-Gon Jinn.

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在黑暗中,我向死猫走去,母亲以一种难以言表的威慑,于黑暗中催促着我,“As I groped toward the dead kitten, my mother lingered behind me unseen in the dark, her disembodied voice egging me on.

如果有个无形的声响跟你说,停止打飞机,别再犯神经,可能是你的伙伴在作弄你。Oh, and if a disembodied voice tells you stop masturbating, don't freak out, it's probably just your friends messing with you.

你是否一个人面对这些不堪的想法,因为这些念头都是虚无缥缈的云彩,瞬间即逝。Are you a person extremely in the face of these ideas, because these thoughts are disembodied cloud, and instant to die namely.