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这次是民主党人的掌声占了上风。This time the gleeful Democrats led the applause.

祝自己明天旅途愉快!Here I am wishing myself to have a smooth and gleeful trip tomorrow!

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国王听后大喜,奖赏第二位智者100个金币。The king felt very gleeful and rewarded the sage with 100 golden coins.

那些幸灾乐祸的报道中没有一个提到这些信息,这可真有意思。It's funny how none of this information made it into those gleeful reports.

但是,媒体却登出了笑逐颜开的农民们购买电视机和电冰箱的照片。Yet the media show pictures of gleeful farmers buying televisions and fridges.

然而,媒体给我们呈现的却是一副农民满心欢喜地购买彩电冰箱的情景。Yet the media show pictures of gleeful farmers buying televisions and fridges.

那天在太妃球迷嘲讽中被换下的杰拉德之后表示他很‘受伤’。Gerrard, who trudged from the field to gleeful blue derision that day, later said he was "hurt".

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可笑的无政府主义者英霍夫说他将会去哥本哈根破坏这次会议。And Inhofe, that gleeful anarchist, says he is going to Copenhagen to try to sabotage the affair.

面对这样的错误,工党议员笑得很开心,就像这次保守党议员笑话这次布朗的错误一样。Labour MPs were as gleeful at the implications of that one as the Tories had been at Brown's mistake.

“1972年12月12日。”满脸困惑的约翰,戴维斯说道,金闭上了厚眼睛片后的那双眼睛,咧嘴而笑。December 12, 1972, "says bemused John Davis, as Kim crinkles up his eyes behind thick glasses and cracks a gleeful grin."

现在我们又得面对自鸣得意的的电子精英主义,认为传统形式的印刷装订书籍就像没指望的恐龙。And now we have gleeful e-elitism as well, the notion that the conventional product, printed and bound, is a hopeless dinosaur.

一群不同年龄的女孩子匆匆忙忙连蹦带跳地一溜小跑去上学,一张张被寒风吹得红红的脸,却抑制不住她们兴高采烈的激情。Girls of all ages, rosy from the air, and bubbling OVER with that gleeful excitement that comes from running to school, hurried, skipped.

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它引用了来自公司内部的“秘密消息来源”,称法尔孔的第一副手极有可能在看到房利美的股价下跌时感到“十分开心”。It quotes a "confidential source" inside OFHEO saying that Falcon's top deputy would become "almost gleeful" whenever Fannie's stock declined.

他们也不会像麦道夫的太太一样,几个月前当她上超市买乳酪时,一大群兴灾乐祸的小报记者紧随其后。There wasn’t quite the same pack of gleeful tabloid photographers as there was, say, when Mrs. Madoff bought cheese in the supermarket a few months ago.

中国经济下滑对生活在农村的那些人打击最大,但是媒体播出了一些照片,上面的农民欢天喜地地买回了电视机和电冰箱。THOSE living in the countryside have been hit hardest by China’s economic slowdown. Yet the media show pictures of gleeful farmers buying televisions and fridges.

马翁里欧的行径好似疯子,因此可让玛丽亚、托比及其他的人藉由医治疯病为由,将其锁进幽暗的小房间,任凭折磨。Malvolio's supposed madness has allowed the gleeful Maria, Toby , and the rest to lock Malvolio into a small, dark room for his treatment, and they torment him at will.

我们的胖乎乎的英雄仍然以独门的技巧逛来逛去,和以往一样易于操作,一个完美的空翻,伴随着欣喜若狂的叫喊声。Whipping around our chubby hero in his unique brand of acrobatics is as responsive and joyful as ever, his gleeful yelps ringing loud at a expertly executed somersault.

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“超级肉球小子”用上兼具复古与现代的游戏设计元素,加上欢快表象下的血腥和荒诞,产生出一个同时既有回顾性然而又有前瞻性的游戏。SMB uses retro and modern game-design elements with a gleeful gloss of gore and absurdity, producing a game that simultaneously looks backward and forward at the same time.

所有的这些有趣的内容似乎也并不能将英国人转变成素食主义者,但是这确实为温度正确性带来未预料到的结果提供了一个很好的例子。All this gleeful coverage does not seem to have driven many Britons to vegetarianism. But it does provide a good example of the unintended consequences of climate correctness.

“历史会做出公平的判决。”长廊般的展览高潮部分是真实大小的照片,喜气洋洋的藏人把封建账本扔进火堆。"History makes fair judgments, " reads the text of the sprawling exhibit whose emotional peak is a life-size diorama of gleeful Tibetans tossing feudal documents into a bonfire.