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为何会突发性胸闷,呼吸急促?Why to meet paroxysmal bosom is frowsty, is breath hurried?

地震是一种破坏性极大的突发性自然灾害。Earthquake is a huge devastative and paroxysmal natural disaster.

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肋间神经痛呈阵发性的灼痛或刺痛。Intercostal neuralgia causes paroxysmal burning pain or pricking pain.

哮证是一种发作性的痰鸣气喘疾患。Asthma is a kind of disease characterised by paroxysmal stridor with sputum.

其特点为阵发性眩晕、波动性耳聋、耳鸣。Characterized by paroxysmal vertigo, the volatility of deafness and tinnitus.

突发性水环境污染事故的发生给人民生命财产造成一定的危害。It is a great calamity for people and properties of paroxysmal water pollution.

阵发性排出者应注意有输卵管癌的可能。Paroxysmal extraction should pay attention has the oviduct cancer's possibility.

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面临突发性灾难,网络成为释放普通人情绪的平台。Face paroxysmal disaster, the network becomes the platform that releases Everyman mood.

目的提高对婴儿良性阵发性斜颈的诊断水平。Objective To further improve the diagnosis of benign paroxysmal torticollis in infancy.

外伤后良性阵发性位置性眩晕与特发性位置性眩晕是否不同?。Is posttraumatic benign paroxysmal positional vertigo different from the idiopathic form?

结论PKC由突然运动诱发,表现为发作性不自主运动等锥体外系症状。PKC is usually induced by sudden movement and present paroxysmal extrapyramidal symptoms.

舌咽神经痛是舌咽神经分布区发作性剧烈疼痛。Glossal pharynx is neuralgic it is glossa pharynx innervation area is paroxysmal acuteness ache.

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目的研究索他洛尔对控制国人阵发性心房颤动的疗效、合适剂量和安全性。Objective To assess the clinical therapeutic effect of sotalol on atrial paroxysmal fibrillation.

方法应用动态脑电图监测仪,对53例婴儿发作性事件进行发作期脑电监测分析。Methods Ictal AEEG monitoring was performed on 53 infants with paroxysmal events during clinical episodes.

对阵发性房颤患者是否应当废弃不予口服抗凝剂的常规做法?Should We Abandon the Common Practice of Withholding Oral Anticoagulation in Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation?

该病往往难以发现,诊断延误可达十多年之久。Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria often goes unrecognized — its diagnosis may be delayed for more than 10 years.

目的对比胺碘酮与西地兰治疗阵发性心房颤动的疗效及安全性。To compare the safety and efficacy of amiodarone and cedilanid on the treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.

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假如端坐呼吸引起夜间觉醒,经坐起缓解,是为阵发性夜间呼吸困难。If orthopnea causes awakening during the night and is relieved by sitting, it is called paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.

探讨普罗帕酮急诊转复阵发性室上性心动过速的临床效果。The clinic effects of clinic rehabilitation of Propafenone on paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia were discussed.

目的探讨儿童发作性疾病的临床与痫样放电的关系。Objective To explore the relation between clinical and epileptiform discharges of in children with paroxysmal diseases.