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尝试使用一个高倍目镜。Try to use a higher-power eyepiece.

透过目镜你可以看到两个黑色的圆环。Looking through the eyepiece you will see two black circles.

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这一功能的一个核心部件就是一顶有博格人般的镜片的头盔。A centrepiece of this effort is a helmet with a Borg -like eyepiece.

就是我们透过目镜可以看到的区域范围。This is the size of the field our eye sees when looking into the eyepiece.

我想EDG可能使用了象SE一样的低像散目镜设计。I think the EDG probably uses a low astigmatism eyepiece design like the SE.

望远镜转向下一颗星,然后我将这颗星放在目镜的中央。The scope slews to the second star, and then I center the second star in the eyepiece.

视场光阑是安装在目镜镜筒内的金属的圆环用来限定范围的大小。The field stop is the metal ring inside the eyepiece barrel that limits the field size.

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调整右目镜4,以获得与操作者视力相适应的视度。Adjust the right eyepiece 4 to obtain the visibility correspond to eyesight of operators.

从本质上讲,目镜的视场光阑与望远镜有线性关系。Essentially, the field stop of the eyepiece encompasses a linear field of view from the telescope.

设计结果与传统凯涅尔目镜的光学性能进行了分析和比较。The optical performance of the hybrid eyepieces are studied and compared with the Kellner eyepiece.

照相机目镜可作为附加件用于观鸟镜,替代规范的目镜运用。The DC4 camera eyepiece is attached to the spotting scope instead of a standard observation eyepiece.

在观测深空天体时,它仍然有很出色的表现,它分解出了许多疏散星团中暗弱的星点。On Deep-sky objects, the eyepiece continued to do quite well, showing many faint stars in open clusters.

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其右边的为标准色颜色,光学目镜具有光线调节和调焦能力,使用方便。The right for the standard color, optical eyepiece with light regulation and focusing ability, easy to use.

使用者通过目镜观察,按动手机上的按键移动屏幕上的两条线,直到它们重合在一起。The user looks into the eyepiece and uses the buttons on the phone to move 2 lines until they appear as one.

用户查找到目镜,并使用移动电话上的两行,直到他们作为一个出现的按钮。The user looks into the eyepiece and uses the buttons on the phone to move two lines until they appear as one.

用你的最低倍率目镜,仔细扫描该区域,直到你发现该星系发出的微弱光芒。With your lowest power eyepiece inplace, sweep the area carefully until you detect the faint glow of the Galaxy.

望远镜的出射光瞳是指射出目镜的圆形光束的直径,单位是mm。The exit pupil of a telescope is the circular beam of light that leaves the eyepiece being used and is measured in mm.

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再配上接目镜,让你拥有透过光学取景器取景所无法比拟的优势。And having a screen in the eyepiece gives you all kinds of advantages you don’t get when you’re just looking through glass.

蔡司照相机目镜,由蔡司专为观鸟镜系列制造的可同时捕获数字式图片的装备!Zeiss Camera Eyepiece DC4 For Diascope Spotting Scopes by Carl Zeiss Observe and Capture Digital Pictures at the Same Time!

这样,戴上一种绿色的目镜就可以看到由这种电子在磷屏幕上形成的影像。As the converted photons strike a phosphorus screen as electrons, they are perceived through an eyepiece in shades of green.