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记日记。Keep a diary.

来一段录音游记。An audio diary.

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我的个人日记。My Personal Diary.

晚安,卡罗威先生。Goodnight Dear Diary.

她常记日记。She often keeps a diary.

我查下我的工作日程。I'll just check my diary.

日记是另一个办法A diary is another method.

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我们的城市更新日记。Tagen's urban renewal diary.

高红兵在日记中写道。Gao Hongbin wrote in the diary.

她飞快地翻看丈夫的日记。She riffed her husband's diary.

有人动了我的日记本。Some one tampers with my diary.

她将梦记在日记中。The diary witnessed her dreams.

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她飞快地翻看丈夫的日记。She riffled her husband's diary.

特地为次写下这篇日记。This Specially Wrote This Diary.

瑶瑶的爱好是写日记。Yaoyao's hobby is keeping a diary.

他从日记里撕下了几页。He tore a few pages out of his diary.

他在日记簿上记了一篇日记。I keep a diary of my daily activities.

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是的,我会写,但我从不再翻看日记。Yes, but then I never look at my diary.

点这里下载我的博客流量日记。You can see my blog traffic diary here.

在我们相遇之前,你给我看了你的日记。Before we met, you showed me your diary.