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什么是相对论?What is relativity?

相对论也使时间停驻了下来。Relativity also brought time to a stop.

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我的“相对性和关联性理论”Timothy’s Theory of Relativity and Context

爱因斯坦发现了相对论。Einstein discovered the theory of relativity.

爱因斯坦的相对论非常难懂。Einstein's theory of relativity is very abstruse.

爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity.

平等是绝对和相对的统一。Equality is entity of absoluteness and relativity.

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它具有差别性、联系性、相对性和变动性。It has difference, connection, relativity and change.

广义相对论预测EG值应该在0.4左右。General relativity predicts that EG should be around 0.4.

但如果这就是问题所在,又跟相对论有什么关系呢?But if that's the case, where does relativity come into it?

相对论告诉我们的一件事是长度的收缩。One thing relativity tells us about is length contractions.

爱因斯坦的相对论赢得了全世界对他的崇敬。Einstein's theory of relativity won for him universal esteem.

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对大多数人来说,相对性的规律很难解释。To most people the law of relativity is difficult to explain.

电磁理论不遵守伽利略相对性。Electromagnetic theory does not conform to Galilean relativity.

我的脑海里浮现出洛仑兹收缩和爱因斯坦相对论。I'm thinking of Lorenz contractions and Einsteinian relativity.

时空的劳仑兹对称是构成相对论的核心。The Lorentz symmetry of spacetime forms the core of relativity.

迈克耳孙和莫雷已经奏出了狭义相对论的序曲。Michelson and Morley had sounded the prelude to special relativity.

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此时相对论的基本思想是空间和时间的对称。Now the basic idea of relativity was a symmetry between space and time.

会展旅游是关联带动性强、经济效益高的旅游产品类型。The MICE tourism is a highly profitable product with strong relativity.

相对论向我们表明,时间和空间交织在一起。The theory of relativity showed us that time and space are intertwined.