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脑筋是易于僵化的。It is easy for the mind to ossify.

他在竞选获胜后开始变得保守起来。He began to ossify after he won the election.

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她肩膀两侧长出额外骨头,病情会令她的肌腱继续骨化,身体逐步瘫痪,最终变成一尊雕像。This disease will make her tendons ossify and her body paralyzed into a statue.

生长面最初是软的,随着时间发展才慢慢变硬,从蹄子开始一直到腿。Begin with and ossify over time, beginning from the hoof and working up the leg.

当这种情况发生时,土星的出现能变为顽固、傲慢地抵挡。And when that happens Saturn's presence can ossify into stubborn haughty resistance.

当这种情况发生时,土星的出现能变为顽固、傲慢地抵抗。And when that happens, Saturn's presence can ossify into stubborn, haughty resistance.

当固有文化与其诠释开始僵化过去时,便与现在脱节了。When heritage and its interpretation is allowed to ossify the past and the present begin to disconnect.

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除此之外,她说,“久而久之,这只会硬化员工待遇条款,而我们在做事方式上要更为灵活。”In addition, she said, “what this has tended to do is ossify terms and conditions when we need more flexibility about how we do things”.

将去矿骨粉末及骨髓吸出物混合物注入囊肿内,阻止囊肿的扩大并促进骨化。Demineralized bone powder mixed with bone-marrow aspirate was introduced into the cyst to halt the expansion phase and to allow the cyst to ossify.

然而,最近银行资产向母国回流的趋势正在朝低效、僵化的跨国银行系统越滑越深,这一风险是实实在在的,而且在不断加大。But the risk that the recent homeward flow of bank assets will ossify into a less efficient, less flexible cross-border banking system is real and growing.

一切固定的,快速冰冻的关系,伴随对应的陈旧的教养,以及值得尊敬的观念和见解,都被清扫了,一切新形成的在它们能固定下来之前就陈旧了。All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed onesbecome antiquated before they can ossify.

相适应的素被尊崇的观念和见解都被消除了,一切新形成的关系等不到固定下来就陈旧了。All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify.