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他的品行有文件充分为证His moral conduct is amply certificated.

他的所有儿子都继承到了丰厚的遗产。All of his sons have been amply portioned.

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你将很快获得重奖,因为你乐于助人。You will soon be amply rewarded for your help.

埃及的候赛因-穆巴拉克的充分符合这一描述。Husni Mubarak’s Egypt amply fit this description.

质与能的相当性已被充分地证实。The mass-energy equivalence has been amply confirmed.

近年来,整形外科手术业得到了长足的发展。The plastic surgery industry has been amply augmented.

但是过去的实验已经充分证实了这种信仰。But the past experience has amply justified this belief.

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上面这则短小的杰作充分说明了神秘主义的荒谬性。The above small masterpiece amply illustrates the absurdity of mysticism.

危机充分证明,当信任受到侵蚀时,系统就被冻结了。As the crisis amply demonstrated, when trust erodes, the system freezes up.

只是在目前牺牲一下你的虚荣心,之后肯定会有补偿的。The present little sacrifice of your vanity will afterwards be amply repaid.

这样的人们将会种植丰美繁茂的园地,为家人或者部落提供充足的营养。Such humans will have lush beautiful and prolific gardens that provide amply for the family or tribe.

这些都是媒体社会责任和公益使命最充分、最鲜明的体现。All these amply and vividly demonstrated the media's social responsibility and role in public welfare.

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这条组织完善,统一的课程丰富地被说明,丰富地被相互参照和充分地被标注。This well-organized, unified course is copiously illustrated, amply cross-referenced, and fully indexed.

我说家里再也没有酒了,一个善意的谎言,我说得心安理得,因为是为了让他醒过酒来。I said there was no more wine in the house , a white lie amply justified by the need to get him sobered up.

这类动作将会充分地用在其它的弹奏模式上,而不在弹五指的音阶和琶音的动作上。This type of motion is used amply in other technical patterns but not in five-finger scale or arpeggio movements.

整个诱捕计划的费用都由A先生的妻子支付,他们每一次会面,她都会收到一份详实的图文报告。And the whole operation is paid for by Mr A’s wife, who gets an amply illustrated report every time an encounter takes place.

我继续沿着坍塌的、乱石枞横的岸边慢慢前行了一个小时,大自然的壮观景色让我不虚此行。I continued slowly to advance for an hour along the broken and rocky banks, and was amply repaid by the grandeur of the scene.

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雪白的桌子非常坚固且采用了稳定的结构,这些特质在众多的展览中得到了充分的展示。Snow-white table is very solid and stable structure, characteristics of which were amply demonstrated in numerous exhibitions.

相反地,这么多年来我们的许多观点足以证明我们总是说出一些令大多数人觉得反感的想法。On the contrary, as our opinion pieces over the years amply demonstrate, we often voice ideas that many people find distasteful.

夏绿蒂说,能够替朋友效劳,非常乐意,虽然花了一点时间,却得到了很大的快慰。Charlotte assured her friend of her satisfaction in being useful, and that it amply repaid her for the little sacrifice of her time.