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科尼岛地图请点击这里。Click here for a map of Coney Island.

现在我们就谈科尼岛项目的事。So we've got the Coney IsIand project.

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庭院内由木条铺盖的甲板来自于科尼岛上的旧木板步道。The deck planks were reclaimed from the Coney Island boardwalk.

更多信息请访问科尼岛美人鱼大游行的官方网站。For more information, check out the Coney Island Mermaid Parade website.

我们刚刚在科尼岛维修车间的屋顶上安装了辐射板。And we just installed a ray on a roof of the Coney Island maintenance shop.

科尼岛和海岸线已经消失在背后,小型喷气式飞机继续飞速攀升。Coney and the coast faded into the background, the jet still climbing sharply.

在科尼岛游乐园闪烁的灯光下,他当场求婚。He proposed on the spot, against the twinkling lights of the Coney Island amusement parks.

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这就是为什么我们坐在他的沃尔沃上驶往康尼岛以体验傍晚的交通热潮。Which is why we're weathering the late afternoon heat in his Volvo, motoring to Coney Island.

它随着林林兄弟马戏团来到“康尼岛的梦境之旅”进行杂技表演。She travelled with the Ringling Brothers Circus and appeared at Coney Island 's Dreamland sideshow.

周六,他在康尼岛和华尔街附近的戴尔莫尼克餐馆招待客人。On Saturday, he hosted a beach outing at Coney Island and a dinner at Delmonico's, near Wall Street.

那里有科尼岛,小飞象,绿点,还有我住的地方——威廉斯堡。There's Coney Island, there's DUMBO, there's Greenpoint, there's Williamsburg which is where I live.

这儿否则巴黎,否则康尼岛游乐场,这是欧洲和中美洲所有都市中尚未开化的大杂烩。It is not Coney Isearth. It is a crepuscular melange of all the cities of Europe and Central America.

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其实这是一年一度的科尼岛美人鱼游行,美人鱼们纷纷游上岸在大街上游行仅是游行的一小部分而已。The mermaids swimming ashore and marching down the street are part of the annual Coney Island Mermaid Parade.

例如,他班上一名女生将一个玻璃瓶丢进了科尼岛附近的水里,瓶子里还有张纸条。For example, one girl in his class dropped a glass bottle with a note inside into the water off of Coney Island.

科尼岛在19世纪早期就开始吸引游客,在1920到30年代达到鼎盛。Coney Island began attracting visitors in the early 19th century, and it reached its heyday in the 1920s and 30s.

这支陆地兔子挑战极限队为帮助末期病儿的筹款活动而跳进水里。The Coney Island Polar Bear Club took the plunge for a fundraising event to help support terminally ill children.

购物中心和运动酒吧都在计画当中,科尼岛已经有一些非常热门的景点。Shopping centers and sports bars are planned, and Coney Island already has a few attractions that are very popular.

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“那一定会是非常棒的,”马可维迪斯先生说到,“并且,这肯定会对康尼岛未来的发展有促进作用。”“It’ll be absolutely gorgeous, ” Mr. Markowitz said, and “a really great attraction for the future of Coney Island.”

一个伟大的游乐园与世界博览的年代。他的父亲经常讲着关于那个科尼岛上一个叫马术障碍赛的地方。A time of great amusement parks and world's fairs. His father used to talk about a place in Coney called Steeplechase.

其它旧的科尼岛地标比那个游乐园更加成功,而且1927年的旋风过山车依旧能够运转。Other old Coney Island landmarks have fared better than that, and the 1927 Cyclone rollercoaster is still operational.