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当然你不要自个把事情翻来覆去地想个不停。And certainly don't ruminate on your own.

莫要沉湎于过去所受的侮辱或者不公平。Dont ruminate on past affronts or injustices.

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莫要沉湎于过去所受的侮辱或者不公平。Don't ruminate on past affronts or injustices.

他的话值得玩味。It is worthwhile to ruminate over his remarks.

牛吃完草后开始反刍。The cow began to ruminate after eating up grass.

或者在这一天的晚些时候给自己30分钟,什么都不干,只是沉思。Or set aside 30 minutes late in the day to do nothing but ruminate.

我还喜欢看奶牛在牧场咀嚼的样子,总是吃得香喷喷的,口水直流。I like watching the cows ruminate in the pasture, often with saliva dripping.

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2013年的一项研究显示,女人整体上也比男人更容易纠结。Women, overall, are also more likely to ruminate than men, according to a 2013 study.

这项发现为科学界对未来十年的深思提供了精神食粮。The discovery provides pabulum for the scientific community to ruminate on for decades to come.

首先看看你自己是否有担忧的动机,如果当你自己出现“沉思”时,尽量分散自己的注意力。One is to see whether you have any worry triggers and to distract yourself when you begin to ruminate.

施罗德说,巴菲特就是这样,“排除一切杂念,全副身心扑在生意上。”She said that freed space "to ruminate in depth on business to the exclusion of almost everything else."

有些人陷入事情中时,倾向于反刍基本问题来把事情驱逐出脑海。“Some people prone to ruminate have basic problems pushing things out of consciousness once they get there,” she said.

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这种差异可能是由于绵羊的选择性采食较强,采食的牧草纤维含量较低。Sheer ruminate shorter, in general, than cattle, because the fibrin contend of plants selectively foraged by sheep is low.

我们会频繁谈到沉思,其实沉思痛苦的情绪-,没有多大帮助。Rumination is one of the things that we'll talk about a lot actually not that helpful-- to ruminate about painful emotions.

原因部分是由于真实事件影响着现实世界中的我们,部分是因为我们倾向反复思考现实世界中行为的影响。This is in part because real events can affect us in the real world, and in part because we tend to ruminate about the implications of real-world acts.