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大西洋盐度增加。Increasing salinity in the Atlantic Ocean.

在这个迁徙的过程中,它们的肾脏会适应水中盐度的不同变化。On the way, their kidneys adapt to the change in salinity.

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轮作可以降低土壤EC值、盐分和硝态氮含量。Rotation could depress EC, content of salinity and NO-3-N.

随着含盐度的增加,碳氧同位素值也增大。The carbon and oxygen isotopic values are a function of salinity.

盐生种子萌发与土壤盐度的关系。The correlation between seed germination of halophytes and salinity.

高盐会破坏植物的离子平衡并引起高渗胁迫。High salinity causes ion imbalance and hyperosmotic stress in plants.

通过渤海海峡,渤海有向外海输出的净盐通量。There is a net salinity flux from the Bohai Strait to outer sea area.

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这样由于盐留了下来,所以盐度增大。In this manner the salinity is increased, since the salts stay behind.

水分和盐分都会影响美洲斑潜蝇的寄主选择性。The host selection of Liriomyza sativae is affected by water and salinity.

黄原胶溶液的粘度几乎不受水的矿化度影响。The salinity of water cannot affect the viscosity of xanthan gum solution.

缢蛏稚贝对盐度的敏感性,比它对温度的敏感性来得强。The sensibility of spat to salinity was stronger than that to temperature.

他们还制订计划来降低河水含盐度和增加“环保流”。They also made plans to reduce salinity and increase "environmental flows".

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浸泡液的加入比例和浸泡液的盐度都影响浸泡离心的脱盐效果。Both the ratio and the salinity of steep can influence the desalting effort.

溶液的盐度愈高,高速下的有效粘度愈大。The higher the salinity of the solution, the higher the effective viscosity.

盐度对石磺胚胎发育的影响。Influence of water salinity on embryonic development of sea-slug Onchidium sp.

用酸碱度计量度水样本的酸碱值。用氯化钠折光仪量度样本的氯化钠含量。Measure pH of the seawater by a pH meter. Measure salinity by a refractometer.

所以我们在考虑培育能够耐盐的鱼种。So we are looking at developing strains of fish that are tolerant to salinity.

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因此传统的生物难以处理高含盐废水。Conventional microorganism is difficult to tre at wastewater with high salinity.

试验观察热冲击、不同盐度对太湖新银鱼仔鱼成活情况的影响。The influence of heat shock and different salinity on the fry fish was observed.

适宜的盐度有利于裸项栉鰕虎鱼的生长。In addition, suitable salinity environment can stimulate growth of Bareneck goby.