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不过他找到的是威斯康辛。He found Wisconsin.

我的小农场在威斯康辛洲。My little farm in Wisconsin.

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你,呃,你去过威斯康辛州没有?Have you ever, uh, ever been to Wisconsin?

大家好,我是来自威斯康辛州格拉夫顿的PEGGY。Hi, I'm Peggy. I'm from Grafton, Wisconsin.

我来自中西部威斯康辛州的麦迪逊市。I'm originally from Madison, Wisconsin in the Midwest.

我们俩一起在威斯康星州北部长大。My uncle and I grew up together in northern Wisconsin.

马拉松的威斯康辛棒槌真棒!From Home of Marathon Wisconsin Ginseng, the real stuff!

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今年夏天印地安那州和威斯康星州都减少了对电影的赞助。This summer Indiana and Wisconsin reduced their rebates.

在威斯康星州,是西洋参的资本。The state of Wisconsin is the capital of American ginseng.

在威斯康星和明尼苏达南部的丘陵地带的农业地区。In the hilly farmlands of southern Wisconsin and Minnesota.

该研究限于威斯康辛州Marshfield的病人。The study was limited to patients in Marshfield, Wisconsin.

克林顿在威斯康星本该很有竞争力。Wisconsin should have been a competitive state for Clinton.

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他久久地盯着她,想找回那个爱狄的影子,那个从维斯康星来的女孩。He looks at her face trying to see Adie, the girl from Wisconsin.

美国威斯康星州中部有着排水情况良好的土壤。In the United States, central Wisconsin has the well-drained soil.

沙丘鹤在威斯康新州北部产卵。Sandhill cranes lay their eggs in the northern state of Wisconsin.

我去德国比你去北威斯康辛好不了多少。My trip to Germany is no better than your trip to Northern Wisconsin.

特洛伊公司现在成了威斯康星州争论的中心。Trojan is finding itself at the center of a controversy in Wisconsin.

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演唱兼作词的歌手保罗·桑恩出生于美国威斯康星州,在密西西比州长大。Singer-songwriter Paul Thorn was born in Wisconsin and raised in Miss.

托马斯-R-史密斯是居于威斯康星州河瀑城的诗人兼评论家。Thomas R. Smith is a poet and critic living in River Falls, Wisconsin.

威斯康辛州有一个学区最近决定支持这个立场。A 2school district in Wisconsin recently decided to support this position.