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我想他们和我一样也为能来到北京师范大学珠海分校,来到国际金融学院感到幸运。I think they feel as lucky to be here at BNU and in the IFC as I do!

上海国金中心商场将云集世界著名品牌。Shanghai IFC Mall will offer a selection of international retailers.

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通过这套软件你可以创建一台能使用IFC数据的服务器。This software enables you to create a server that can work with IFC data.

当前IFC是BIM模型中使用最广泛,最成熟的开源标准。Currently, IFC is the most widely used and most mature open standard for BIM models.

国际金融中心将调整咨询服务的方案的重点,帮助客户应对危机。IFC is refocusing advisory services programmes to help clients cope with the crisis.

在危机期间,国际金融公司将其战略重点集中在最贫困的国家和地区。During the crisis, IFC maintained its strategic focus on the poorest countries and regions.

国际金融公司的使命是在发展中国家创造机会、改善生活。IFC is in the business of creating opportunity and improving lives in developing countries.

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国际金融中心二期坐拥香港维多利亚港醉人海景,更可远眺九龙半岛及以外动人景致。Two ifc offers stunning views of Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour, Kowloon peninsula and beyond.

IFC还投资并扶持中国高速成长的中小企业。IFC also investment and supporting China's fast growth of small and medium-sized enterprises.

翡翠有多个据点,包括整个城市的国际金融中心商场,海港城及时代广场。Crystal Jade has multiple outposts across the city, including IFC Mall, Harbour City and Times Square.

2007年,进出口银行联手国际金融公司,设立了一个项目,为坦桑尼亚女企业主提供服务。In 2007, Exim Bank partnered with IFC to establish a program to serve women enterpreneurs in Tanzania.

IFC认证的重点是对几何图形的正确解释和创建。The IFC certification procedure focuses mainly on the correct interpretation and creation of the geometry.

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还有最后一个方面,就是我们在中国有一个世界银行和国际金融公司的非常投入的团队。There was a last aspect which is of course we have a very dedicated team here from the World Bank and IFC.

几个月前,我访问了国际金融公司在危地马拉的奇马尔特南戈资助的一个农业合作社。Several months ago I visited an agricultural cooperative financed by the IFC in Chimaltenango, in Guatemala.

集团赞助首次于国际金融中心二期举行的烟花除夕倒数,与全港市民迎接2008年。The Group sponsors the first New Year's Eve pyrotechnic countdown at Two IFC to welcome the arrival of 2008.

此外,英利国际金融公司最近被提名为重庆的重庆晨报2010年十大标志性建筑。Also, Yingli IFC was recently nominated as Chongqing 2010 Top 10 landmark building by Chongqing Morning Post.

国际金融公司的一些被投资方得以成为行业中率先实行良好惯例的领头者。A number of IFC investees have been able to establish themselves as the good practice leaders in the industry.

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新的信息获取政策适用于国际复兴开发银行和国际开发协会,国际金融公司和多边投资担保机构有其自身的信息披露政策。The new Access to Information Policy applies to IBRD and IDA. IFC and MIGA have their own disclosure policies.

在边晓鸿女士领导下的国际金融学院是国际合作项目的榜样。The IFC under the leadership of Mrs. Xiaohong Bian, has become an example of international cooperation and leadership.

但只有在村镇银行的经营与IFC的政策性条款相冲突时,IFC才有权行使卖出选择权。IFC shall exercise put option only if the operation of the village and town bank conflicts with its policy-based terms.