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第九章是律师制度。Chapter 9 Lawyering System of China.

这些行为不仅粗鲁无礼,而且是差劲的业务表现。This is not only rude, but it’s also bad lawyering.

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无论如何,法庭上的口头答辩是律师们施展才能的最好机会。In any event, the oral argument is lawyering at its best.

第二部分分析了律师民事责任的法律性质。Part II studies the nature of the civil liability of lawyering.

律师制度的宗旨在于维护当事人的合法权益。The ultimate aim of lawyering is to safeguard client's legal rights.

这种教学方法受到批评,因为它对学生和未来的律师职业都有不利影响。An adverse impact both on the students and the quality of future lawyering.

相反,律师企图尽可能多的收费,所以就导致了不必要的法律事务。To the contrary, the lawyer’s incentive is to bill as much as possible. The result can be unnecessary lawyering.

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比如,世纪佳缘在公司结构和品牌上面所做的法务处理似乎就存在一些问题。Consider what seems to have been some questionable lawyering surrounding's corporate structure and brand.

之后他便开始专门从事涉外法律服务工作,律师事业蒸蒸日上。Then he started to concentrate on the international commercial legal affairs enjoyed the rising success of his lawyering career.

普遍的国际反垄断制度既可以适应国际经济自由化的进一步发展,又可以克服目前国际反垄断法制中的不确定性。Nowadays, laws are being unceasingly perfected and it's more and morenecessary to set up the monopoly system of the lawyering business.

林律师认为这一条路是可行的,但寄语他们,若要实践自己的宏愿,先要增加经验,解决眼前实际的问题。Ms Lam considers Mainland lawyering a feasible path, but advises students to first gain work experience and to solve practical problems.

作为法律职业之一的律师,其业务能否为律师所垄断,是否为律师垄断,这与一个国家的司法制度和律师制度完善与否有密切关系。Whether the lawyering business is monopolized by lawyers or law officers can tell about the perfectness ofa country's judicial system and lawyering system.

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但是,这种学习“如何像律师一样思考”的过程备受批评之处在于它对学生本身以及他们将来执业的水平都产生了非常不好的影响。However, this process of learning "how to think like a lawyer" has been criticized as having an adverse impact both on the students and the quality of future lawyering.

但是,由于在政治社会环境、监督管理机制等方面存在诸多不利因素,成都律师业的发展也存在一定的局限。However, development of lawyering in Chengdu also had some limitations due to the many unfavourable factors such as social political atmosphere and insufficient supervision system.

中国近代律师制度是西学东渐的产物,在中国法律近代化过程中逐步确立。The Chinese lawyering system, as the product of the spreading of the Western studies into the East in modern times, was gradually established in the modernizing process of the Chinese law.