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我用自己的工作成绩代替虚华的阿谀。I replace the greasiness with my job performance.

医生建议他不要吃油腻的食品。The doctor suggested him not to eat greasiness food.

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救济杀死皮肤瘙痒没有油腻的药膏。Skin Relief kills the itch without the greasiness of ointments.

我的皮肤纹理有改进,手感柔软,没有任何油腻柔滑。My skin texture has improved to feel soft and silky without any greasiness.

凝胶、泡沫或粉末适合油性、混合性及中性肌肤。Gelatin, froth or powder suitable greasiness , mixing property and neutral flesh.

内墙涂刷您可用水性乳胶漆,外墙可用油性乳胶漆。You can try Rujiaoqi interior walls, exterior walls Rujiaoqi available greasiness.

那松脆和微酸的腌制芋头茎弥补了鸭的油腻。The crispy and slightly sour preserved taro stem offsets the greasiness of the duck.

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芦荟和杏子用以修护头发,令头发轻盈及油光不再。A light Aloe &Apricot infused conditioner to repair the hair without any heaviness or greasiness.

变换模具即可改变形状,生产的锅巴口感酥脆而不油腻。Changing the moulds can make different shapes and the fried crispy rice chip taste good without greasiness.

业内人士称,水性漆的发展将是大势所趋,并将全面代替油性漆。Industry sources, although the general trend is the development of painting and comprehensive replace greasiness paint.

对油性及经常长暗疮的肌肤来说,这是一款极佳的爽肤水。Our Special Acne, Oil Controlling Formulawith Sulfur is an aggressive astringent that will cleanse the skin of surface greasiness.

优异的氧化安定性和清净分散性,抑制积炭和油泥的生成,显著延长换油周期。The excellent oxidation invariability and lustration decentralization prevented from the formation of charcoal and greasiness , which prolonged oil change period evidently.