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她的身上散发着青春的活力。She smells of vigour of youth.

你给了我新的生命和活力。You give me fresh life and vigour.

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他精力过人。He towered above the rest in vigour.

非素给你无限能量、无限活力。Non veg gives u extra power, vigour.

梦想无止境,活力无极限。Dream is endless, vigour is infinite.

她有热情,有朝气。She is full of vigour and enthusiasm.

轻快的按摩能恢复体力。A brisk massage restores the body's vigour.

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他好像永远不会失去青春活力。He seems never to lose his youthful vigour.

就是这种强烈的程度在两性间存在不同。It is this lack of vigour which differs between the sexes.

拉拉队里面都是漂亮的小姑娘,个个都朝气蓬勃的。Rooters are all beautiful girls full of vigour and vitality.

双亲本子代的生活力多半是相似的。The vigour of two-parent progenies was likely to be similar.

生长速度和活力下降。叶色变暗。Reduction in growth rate and vigour. darkening of the leaves.

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三年的军旅生活使他变得十分强壮,从他身上散发着青春的活力。He hardened with youthful vigour after three years' army life.

他勇猛而有活力,但他同样也有失落的时候。He is full of valour and vigour , but he also has depression.

青年男子很晚才结婚,因而他们的精力能够得到保存。The young men marry late, and their vigour is thus unimpaired.

旭烈兀的蒙古人开头的那种破坏性的活力很快就消退了。The first destructive vigour of Hulagu's Mongols soon subsided.

风险投资为灵通带来了活力,更带来了动力。Venture capital resulted in vigour and motive power for Linktone.

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扫盲运动生气勃勃地展开了。The campaign to wipe out illiteracy launched out with great vigour.

仿佛她的身体正在往他散发着它的青春和热情。Her body seemed to be pouring some of its youth and vigour into his.

构思新颖组合音响,带给您快乐与活力。The music centre with original conception affords you happiness and vigour.