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我们先从贝尔维蒂宫的下宫开始参观。We started visiting from the Lower Belvedere.

此刻我们在通往上宫的途中。Now we were on the way to the Upper Belvedere.

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这里是下宫的主要入口大厅。This is the main entrance hall of Lower Belvedere.

雪树伏特加,苹果汁,意大利白葡萄酒,鲜柠檬,葡萄。Belvedere vodka, apple juice, white wine fresh lemon and grapes.

他们去法院试图迫使Belvédère离开该程序。They have gone to court to try to force Belvédère out of the procedure.

你可以去看一看乔伊斯以前上过的学校,科隆钩和贝尔福德。And you can see the schools that Joyce went to, Clongowes and Belvedere.

他朝着花园跑去并看到那身影越过观景塔跑着。He rushed into the garden and saw the figure running across the belvedere.

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他看到这身影放弃了那地形,消失回那观景塔内。He saw the figure abandon the terrace, disappearing back onto the belvedere.

透过厅堂里的窗户,可以看到上宫大公园的全景。Through the window of the hall , we could see the big park of the upper belvedere.

在2007年高达河奉承架构丽城基督教鲁布托泵。The architecture of belvedere Christian Louboutin Pump in 2007 ar adulation as much.

2006年,妇女出去与衰减脚跟丽城,并待续到embrac趋势。In 2006, women went for the belvedere with attenuate heels, and continu to embrac the trend.

皮革是一个很大的绝对优势,如果你的丽城为everydai氩泵磨损打算。Leather is the a lot of absolute advantage if your belvedere pump ar intend for everydai wear.

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申请参加本次大赛,选手需确认同意所有条款,并签名。Winners of the main prizes of all past Belvedere Competitions are excluded from participation.

在镇上唯一一家上档次的酒店Belvedere,每个晚上都有毗邻的房间组织聚会。Each night, there are adjacent party rooms at the Belvedere hotel, the only truly posh hotel in town.

在葡萄牙的里斯本的日落时分,灯光照亮了位于观景楼中的山之圣母。The Lady of the Hill stands in her illuminated belvedere as the sun descends on Lisbon, Portugal, below.

贝尔维蒂宫是为欧根亲王而建,他是奥地利历史上最著名的军事指挥家。Belvedere was built for the Prinz Eugen who was the most famous commander military in Austrian's history.

在观景台上能看到卑尔根、海湾及周围葱葱群山最好的风光。You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountai from the belvedere.

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在观景台上能看到卑尔根、海湾及周围葱葱群山最好的风光。You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountains from the belvedere.

在上宫,可以到画廊里观赏十九到二十世纪奥地利油画珍藏品。In the Upper Belvedere you could visit the gallery with a collection of 19th- and 20th-century Austrian paintings.

吃过早餐,我们前去参观贝尔维蒂宫,由于那里离我们住的酒店很近,所以我们步行过去就可以了。After taking the breakfast, we went to visit the Belvedere. It was not far away from our hotel, so we walked there.