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明天越南队也将对阵阿联酋队。VN will vs UAE team tmrrow , too.

所有的建筑材料都将采自阿联酋本国。All materials will be quarried in the UAE.

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所有病例随访48个月,无一例复发。No recurrences were found during 48 months after UAE.

你认为阿联酋市场接近饱和点?Do you think the UAE market is close to saturation point?

法国、马来西亚和阿拉伯联合酋长国均已购买该吊舱。France, Malaysia and the UAE have already purchased the pod.

而攻下阿联酋就能够肃清ONE对中东的影响。Attack UAE is to clear ONE domain and influence on Middle-East.

13财年度,阿联酋是印度最大的贸易伙伴。The UAE was India's biggest trading partner in the 2012-13 fiscal.

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双方宣称阿联酋将放弃铀浓缩并签署该议定书。Both sides say the UAE will forego enrichment and sign the protocol.

阿联酋的地貌和气候是阿联酋文化不可或缺的一部分。The landscape and climate of the UAE are integral to Emirati culture.

阿布扎比是阿联酋七个半自治酋长国之一。Abu Dhabi is one of seven semiautonomous emirates that make up the UAE.

“阿联酋和卡塔尔显然在退步”,国际劳工组织的汗先生表示。"The UAE and Qatar have definitely regressed," says the ILO's Mr. Khan.

阿联酋占全球原油储备总量7.3%,排在了第六。The UAE ranks in sixth place, and holds a 7.3pc share of global oil reserves.

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阿联酋已经开始改善劳动环境,科威特则宣布改革劳工法。The UAE moved to improve conditions and Kuwait announced a reform of labor laws.

阿联酋被卫冕冠军瑞士Alinghi队选为比赛地点。The UAE was chosen as the venue by the defending champions, the Swiss team Alinghi.

整个阿联酋的妇女有没有更好地了解到提早发觉乳腺癌的重要性呢?Are women across the UAE getting better informed about the importance of early detection.

一架来自阿联酋的阿帕奇直升机在苏尔特被击落,他们轰炸了平民区。An Apache helicopter belonging to UAE shot down over Sirte while it bombed civilian areas.

当谈到人口不平衡问题时,我相信阿联酋已到无法挽回的地步。I believe the UAE has reached the point of no return when it comes to demographic imbalance.

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阿联酋同样需求无人机,特别是美国的“掠食者”无人机以防卫伊朗的进攻。The UAE also wanted UAVs, in particular American Predators, to protect themselves against Iran.

UAE还可引起少数妇女闭经,其原因与卵巢功能受损和子宫内膜萎缩有关。UAE may cause amenorrhea in the minority of women with ovarian failure and endometrium atrophy.

在阿联酋过去的选举中,有一名妇女选上联邦国民议会,而政府指派了其他八名。In the past UAE election, one woman was elected to the FNC. The government appointed eight others.