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该税务裁定具有溯及力。The tax ruling has retrospective effect.

然而,建筑标准对已建的楼宇是无效的。Yet the building standards are not retrospective.

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方法回顾分析34例DKA患者的临床资料。Methods Retrospective analysis of 34 cases of DKA.

这就是返顾预测的手法。This is the strategy of retrospective anticipation.

泰特美术馆最新的一个回顾展希望我们再次回眸。A new Tate retrospective wants to make us look again

让我们看看如何举行一次有效的回顾。Let's move onto how to run an effective retrospective.

方法对297例2型糖尿病患者回顾性分析。Methods Retrospective analysis of 297 two-type diabetics.

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方法对636名接触工人作了回顾性调查。Methods Retrospective survey was conducted in 636 workers.

回顾会议是一个很好的契机来引入这些实验。The retrospective is a good time to introduce these experiments.

为了纪念这次短暂的告别,我们在WISE所拍摄的深空照片中精选了10张进行回顾。Here's a retrospective of our 10 favorite WISE images of deep space.

这是一项针对尼泊尔麻疹病例和死亡人数的回顾性研究。This was a retrospective study of measles cases and deaths in Nepal.

示例图1描述了如何实现回顾会议的目标。Figure 1 describes how retrospective session targets can be achieved.

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现在回想起来,如果欣赏山西民歌的话,这盘带子里的歌都值得听一听。In retrospective I think it a must for appreciating Shanxi folk songs.

那么我们还需要为回顾增加些什么特别地规则呢?So what special ground-rules would we need to add for a retrospective?

方法采用回顾性调查方法对性病监测资料进行分析。Methods Retrospective study was used to analyze surveillant data of STD.

通过对各项活动进行回顾性评估,得到项目成本数据。Programme costs were obtained from a retrospective review of activities.

方法对65例髋臼骨折进行回顾性研究。Methods Retrospective study was made on 65 cases of acetabular fractures.

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方法回顾分析腹腔镜筋膜内子宫切除手术60例。Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted in 60 women underwent CISH.

III级研究是回顾性的比较研究或者病例对照研究。Level III are retrospective comparative studies or case-controlled studies.

方法对245例副伤寒甲的临床资料进行回顾性分析。Retrospective study on the clinical dates of the 245 cases of paratyphoid A.