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短笛若隐若现,小提琴浅吟低唱。The piccolo peeped the tune, the violins sang languidly.

其中一个两个月以后被捕,另一个就是洛皮科洛先生。One was arrested two months later. The second was Mr Lo Piccolo.

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短笛大魔王宣布了他一个区接一个区毁灭整个世界的计划。King Piccolo has declared annihilation of the world, one sector at a time.

横斜的短笛尽情在掳掠四月的清风。Horizontal inclined piccolo heartily Be taking captive the pleasant breeze of April.

短笛大魔王开始实施他恢复青春和征服世界的邪恶计划。King Piccolo has begun his sinister plot to restore his power and take over the world.

第一场由小林出战马吉尼亚,这其实就是新生的短笛大魔王自己,而且力量上丝毫不弱。First up, Krillin battles Junior, King Piccolo 's alter ego, and every bit as powerful.

他将会投降短笛大魔王以拯救他的同伴呢,还是会选择不惜牺牲生命而奋力一战?Will he surrender to Piccolo and save his friend or choose to fight and risk his own life?

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来自香港,精通长笛短笛钢琴木琴演奏,音乐就是她的一切。From hong kong , to be accomplished in flute , piccolo , piano , xylophone . music is her all.

一旦短笛大魔王成功的召唤出了神龙,他的一个愿望就足以毁灭整个世界。Global destruction is one wish away if King Piccolo succeeds in calling forth the Eternal Dragon.

比如,短笛产生的声音相当于30英尺远手提钻产生的声音。For example, the piccolo generates sound that is equivalent to a jackhammer 30 feet away, she says.

邪恶的短笛派出他的手下铃鼓去杀死所有可能阻挡他的计划的武术家。The evil Piccolo has sent his henchman , Tambourine to kill all the warriors that could foil his plans.

谈到阵容时,德尚透露他可能再次在中后卫位置上排出詹尼凯达和皮科洛的组合。Deschamps revealed he is likely to employ Giannichedda and Piccolo in the centre of defence for the second week running.

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小悟空和短笛大魔王之间的激战继续进行着,但是当短笛大魔王把小悟空的四肢一一折断时,他最终占到了上风。The fierce fight between Goku and Piccolo continues, but Piccolo gains the advantage when he breaks Goku down limb by limb.

短笛大魔王对世界之王城堡的进攻把整个西部城市推向了毁灭的边缘,但是小悟空决不会允许他不战而胜地轻易得手。Piccolo puts all of West City on edge when he invades the King's castle, but Goku is not about to let him take over without a fight.

就在小悟空为了替小林报仇而奋力一战之时,龟仙人、天津饭和饺子也继续进行着他们与短笛大魔王之间的龙珠争夺赛。As Goku fights to avenge Krillin's death, Master Roshi , Tien, and Chiaotzu continue their race against King Piccolo for the Dragon Balls.

拉蒂兹在临死之前告诉短笛,另外两个更为强大的赛亚人正朝着地球赶来,而且一年之内就会到达地球!Before Raditz dies, he tells Piccolo that two other Saiyans who have even greater power are heading for Earth and will arrive within the year!

周六后防上基耶里尼,莱罗塔列,皮科洛都可以上,而泽比纳和詹尼凯达则还待定。Didier Deschamps has Chiellini, Legrottaglie and Piccolo all back on the team sheet, though Zebina and Giannichedda miss out through suspension.

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恢复了青春的短笛大魔王开始着手实施他一步步毁灭全世界的行动。而他的头一个目标就是世界之王王宫所在地的那些和平的居民们!A youthful King Piccolo sets out to vanquish the world, sector by sector, and he's starting out with the peaceful inhabitants of King Furry's realm!

在天津饭和残存的抵抗势力忍受着他们最绝望的一刻的同时,只有小悟空站在了短笛大魔王和西部城市的毁灭之间。As Tien Shinhan and the rest of the resistance endure their most desperate hour, only Goku stands between Piccolo and the destruction of the Western City.

为了赶在短笛大魔王和他的手下前面,龟仙人带着天津饭和饺子一起,马不停蹄的四处寻找着龙珠。Master Roshi takes Tien and Chiaotzu on a cross-country race for the Dragon Balls, as they try to stay ahead of the competition, King Piccolo and his dastardly horde.