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他是一个享有盛名的古玩收藏家。He enjoyed a great reputation as an antiquarian.

也是古玩将需要研究的问题。Also one antiquarian will need to be looked in on.

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作为一个作家,他的兴趣显然是研究古物。His interest as a writer was distinctly antiquarian.

这家图书馆拥有大量历史和古籍。The library is rich in historical books and antiquarian works.

所有新加入本地化字符串中添加复古补丁。Added in Localization for all new strings added in the Antiquarian Patch.

我也收集了不少古书和初版书。I have my own small collection of antiquarian books and first editions my self".

他们的价值在于作为能源的地位,但他们也有些古老的价值。They are valued as a source of energy, but they may also have some antiquarian value.

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文学爱好者将会钟情于这家独特的床位加早餐旅馆,因为它与纽约市郊唯一的古文物研究书店联系紧密。Literature lovers will adore this quirky B&B linked to Uptown New York's only antiquarian bookshop.

古地图社会正在蓬勃发展,天体图,现在作为一个专业的地图收集效果。Antiquarian map societies are prospering, and celestial maps are now viewed as a specialty of map collecting.

遵循先例初看起来有点像考古,这是很容易被接受的。Stare Decisis appeared at first to be something of an antiquarian function, and this was easy enough to accept.

这个题目是古多的兴趣,因为它揭示了一些问题,我们仍然非常。The subject is of more than antiquarian interest, as it uncovers some problems which are still very much with us.

当二次大战爆发时,这幅画落入古纳泽手中,他是华沙首要犹太画收藏家和古文物收藏家。When World War II broke out, the painting be- longed to Abe Gutnajer, a leading Jewish art collector and antiquarian in Warsaw.

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第三部分从文化意识领域,分三个部分对“原典情结”的成因进行溯源,同时还讨论了“复古”与“原典情结”的根本差异。The third part traces to the cause in three segments, discusses the difference between the antiquarian and the Original Complex.

稀有和难得的书商以前一直是这些书籍的唯一来源,提供优质的价格第一个版本。Antiquarian and rare book dealers have previously been the only source for these books, providing first editions for premium prices.

王天德、邱志杰和郑国谷则转向书法,审视它何以成为好古者追求之外的某种事物。Wang Tiande, Qiu Zhijie and Zheng Guogu have turned to calligraphy to examine how it might become something other than an antiquarian pursuit.

他是一位炼金术士和古文物收集者,也是“新哲学”的领军人物。The original museum of 1683 was based on the collections of Elias Ashmole, alchemist and antiquarian , a leading figure of "The New Philosophy".

如果你没有看过最近发表的关于精神病药物治疗的统计数据,你会觉得通过反女性来通向心理健康看起来和荒谬的古文物研究一样好笑。It would seem easy to laugh at these anti-woman approaches to mental health as absurdly antiquarian – until you read recently released statistics about psychiatric medication.

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推崇汉代学术所代表的意义远远超过嗜古者的内容,它向因为皇权辩护而受到满洲统治者崇尚的儒家意识形态提出质疑。Han Learning represented more than just an antiquarian quest. Its advocates cast doubt on the Confucian ideology enshrined by Manchu rulers when they legitimated imperial power.

斯科特驾驿同时代小说写作技巧之异同标准于掌股之间,并运用于自己对苏格兰历史深刻的感情和文物研究传统的知识中。Scott gathered the disparate strands of contemporary novel-writing techniques into his own hands and harnessed them to his deep interest in Scottish history and his knowledge of antiquarian lore.

明代文学复古思潮因为阳明心学的影响而发生改变,代表人物有前七子的徐祯卿、郑善夫和后七子的屠隆。The antiquarian trend of literature, which once dominated the literary circles in the dynasty changed due to Wang Yangming's ideas. Xu Zhenqing, Zheng Shanfu and Tu Long were the representatives.